Fired, Aren't I

I remember really liking this show. It coincidentally came about when I was exploring the concept of "guardian angels," so 12/13-year-old me found it intriguing and kinda funny. The later episodes lost me, really, but the first few I really liked, and I thought it was gutsy to kill a kid within the first 2 minutes of

and HOW.

YES. THIS. And it MUST be done as a smash-cut.

Still got hopes for Queen Elsa.

Blackfish Filmmakers/Activists: "Our steady campaign of cold-hard-facts and calm dispensation of knowledge is really working. Let's get the word out there to continue the momentum!"

Gone to pick up your prescription? Excellent. Have a nice night. And shit.

Since you have to ask, you'll never now.

That sunk his chances because most of the people on welfare are poor white people, and they're the GOP core constituents. So yeah. Shot in the foot.

Lotta "Idiots" out there then.

The series finale was not great, and I don't understand why people are always crowing over it - ("Joel and Annie kissed! OTP that TOTALLY ISN'T CREEPY AT ALL!!!"/"Board game commercial at the end? SOOO META U GUISE!!")

But, yeah, lets just judge every movie based on how many women are on screen. That's what is always most important.

I"m a lady, but thank you. :D

Good movies use "For He's A Jolly Good Fellow" as a stand-in. GREAT movies make up their own.

Wow, I never thought I'd get to Disqus-meet the internet's representative for all disenfranchised persons. Neat.

Or the hour after they air, in some corners of the internet.

But later on, as we all suspected, Patty came out as a lesbian.

Amazing cover photo for this one. Wouldn't have guessed you'd pick that particular image, but i laughed harder than is probably acceptable.

Whether or not there are female buddies in it is it's last problem.

I'm glad they didn't go into the tired old trope of Mia ending up furiously making out with Todd because her genuine anger and cogent points were actually just subversion for sexual tension.

That's how I read it as well. And as Iffy mentions, he was a photographer. Not that I thought she had a "normal" childhood, but I definitely didn't predict she'd be a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of a child pornographer.