Fired, Aren't I

Wow, that one passed over me. And I usually catch those esoteric things.

1. I actually LOVE that episode of Law & Order: SVU Winkler guest-starred in. It's one of the greats, and Winkler plays that character really well, considering the twist in the plot.

I love that Mr. PB and Diane are actually a real relationship, and not just a stand-in for a BoJack/Diane OTP. Diane deserves better than BoJack. Mr. PB might be an "old dog" (and thus unable to change) but he IS capable of growth (both of them are) - and this is definitely something BoJack is incapable of doing.

Females. I haven't gotten that far yet in my.. story-telling ambitions, shall we say.

Sometimes you just gotta let go of that toxic element in your life.

Me too, Hobbes. Me too. I'm Emily and I'm a fan of BoJack Horseman.

This is the best episode of the entire series, and definitely of the season. I was moved.

Jokes aside, I"m thrilled this is coming from a female screenwriter. Now I just hope it doesn't suck so she makes the rest of us look bad.

My overall point is the problem with network TV is they're using 20th century tactics to deal with 21st century technology. It's not just DVRs, it's streaming services and lately, internet media hubs (Yahoo comes to mind).

This movie could've been really fun. I like the goofy premise and the nostalgia aspect. But it would only be worth seeing if (1) it had more than 1 female main character in it, who were then friends with each other and (2) didn't "star" Adam Sandler.

Whatever will we do if we want to watch both? It would be wonderful if there were some kind of magical box you could set up to record one program whilst watching the other, so that you could go back and watch the recorded program afterwards.

"Me Tina, are Mad Pooper."

I haven't seen the movie but I remember someone playing it in the common room of my college dorm and seeing the baby-down-the-hill scene. Yeah I thought that was hilarious.

Kung Powerer

Replace "Fight Club" in the final line with "American Sniper" and you basically have a Tea Party article

Holy shit this show. I've already watched this entire season twice.

Titpuncher is a subreddit, yes? Because it seems too put-together to be something scraped form the grimey eFloor of /b/.

Bruce Harwood is one of my only male celebrity crushes and I AM THRILLED HE'S COMING BACK.

Still doesn't beat Amy and Tina's impressions at the Golden Globes. They were doing it on national network TV back when people in Hollywood were still questioning the taste of doing so.

Lindsay Ellis made my favorite statement on the movie, pointing out that Chris Pratt essentially tells Claire that he respects raptors more than he respects women (i.e. Claire) who refuse to fuck him on the first date. Cuz he sexually harasses her on the job, and then shames her for not having as much "respect" for