Fired, Aren't I

Mostly my point is anyone can claim anyone as tokens in their justifications.

"I have millions of women readers who tell me how great my books are for them and how much they love the characters.

I read that scene in the book, and it doesn't seem any more consensual. Just a different kind of non-consent. She protests his advances but then "changes her mind." This doesn't seem less rapey to me.

Also, it wasn't always taken less seriously. Women weren't equal to men on a legal plane, but since women were essentially the property of their males, and property laws have always been pretty stark, rape was at times taken quite seriously. There's supposedly a medieval law that was enacted by some king (citation

FTR, and I bring this up b/c it's come up a lot re: that scene w/ Jamie, the scene in the book was not "less rapey." It was still Cersei saying "no" and then being raped into consent. People kept saying how inaccurate the TV scene was compared to the book, but that only made me dismayed about how sexually uneducated

My happy just went asplodey.

"Traditional Masculinity"

It's horrific. But the sad thing is, women are the primary consumers of this media franchise, and it was written by a woman. We as women need to do better in terms of consumption. We need to realize our own sexualities outside the cultural boxes into which we're assigned. Lesbian and Bi women subvert this almost as a

I believe it's A Blaffair to Rememblack.

Does it really??

And Johnson was probably paid half what Dornan was, even though she apparently out-acted him and was visually exploited a lot more than he was.

The only reason Smeyer didn't follow through is because she got butthurt when her half-finished "novel" was leaked. Which is exactly what any artist that cares about creating work WOULD do!!

[clutches face] "I'm going into politics!"

I still want to see the full length "A Dog Took My Face and Gave Me a Better Face to Change the World: The Celeste Cunningham Story."…

Never watched Veronica Mars so I don't have a stake in it, but friends who are fans say it was "meh."

If they'd done that I would've punched my computer. I would've had to call a friend and scream at them for no reason. And then probably send out a lot of tweets, half of which I'd regret in the morning.

This episode was B-, B at best. Not the "incredibly emotional amazingly impactful" episode everyone is crowing about on the internets.


Silly liberal. If everyone has guns, everyone can use their guns to stop everybody from using their guns. IT JUST MAKES SENSE.