Fired, Aren't I

You'll remember it if you were born during or before 1988.

"I love it. And there's so much potential for high comedy to be included as well. Let me talk to my production company."

And many a suitor are also a late-bloomer.

That's the thing. You'd think he'd realize most people in his realm are straight men. Of course, if HE'S a closet homosexual, then he probably thinks ALL pedos are like him. But that's so unlikely to be the case tha— know on second though, nevermind.

Right but don't you get it she's "wiser than most people twice her age" and also her life experience is exactly like a 22 year old due who's spent his life running drugs and escaping with his life on the road. She's spent most of her life sheltered, and knows like 5 people, and she also JUST got out of a relationship

I try.

maybe because the whole relationship is contrived and soapy.

Ugh, congratulations insufferable shippers, you got the Dylan Emma fanfiction justification you were longing for. Seriously, that was one of the most gag-inducing scenes in this entire series. Crying Girl Who Turns Away Because 'OMG I Look Pathetic When I Cry' then kisses the (inexplicably endeared!!!) 'No You're

Glom Gazingo!

I, for one, welcome our new seasons made up entirely of celebrity cameos and stunt episodes where the animation is done in some random style that may or may not be relevant to contemporary pop culture trends.

Gregory Maguire confronted these exact questions in his "Wicked" series. It's pretty dark as a result. For a lighter take, you can watch a bootleg of "Wicked." ..the broadway musical that is.


Reconstructionist: women in the congregation saying "Is the [female] rabbi single?" [I'm speaking somewhat from experience but not really]

"Ladies and gentleman: The Rapist Komedian show has been put on hiatus for retooling."

No, it is. But aside from that, this shit doesn't take place in a vacuum. She was really wrapped up in Norman for what, 1 or 2 years? And now that Norman's out she's like "well I can always fuck your cute brother, might as well cuz I"m gonna die soon."

Oh please, you have NO creativity. The idea is to seek out photos of celebs with their mouths open and then draw the dicks next to THOSE.

Hah! Arthur gets a nod!

The difference between 17/18 and 22 is a lot starker than many seem to think/remember.

“Our female characters really do have faults,” Carroll says, likely alluding to the flaw of being a robot and a girl.

If you guys don't mention the amazingness that is "Arthur" in your next couple segments, Imma hurt somebody's face.