Fired, Aren't I

I've said this here before I think, but there's an old MadTV sketch parodying "Celebrity Rehab" where Felicia Rashad is one of the rehabbers. Her backstory is that she became addicted to rufees because "Dr. Cosby would spike my coffee on a daily basis." At the time I saw it (years ago) I thought the "joke" was that

"I'm seeing double! FOUR OLSENS!!"

Also, "When did people get so obsessed with being Politically Correct? Everyone is too PC nowadays"

I *really* like the vest.

only if Mel Gibson ISN'T involved

Oh I believe they wanna bone out of boredom. I just don't buy that humans become ravenously obsessed with boning after not having sex for 2 years. Not with plenty of porno around to keep things at bay, so to speak. What's going on plot-wise in this show is just your typical "who's fucking whom" sitcom fare.

My understanding is that when in survival mode, sexually reproducing organisms lose libido as reproduction requires a lot of energy that could be spent finding food and shelter. Of course nothing about the show is realistic; these people look like they stepped off a plane, not a years-long survival of apocalypse.

[citation needed]

The first couple episodes were good, and atypical of TV sitcoms. The small moments where Phil was remembering his old life were powerful interjections to what was otherwise ridiculous. But now it's just the same as any other tropish sitcom. A bunch of people walking around trying to maneuver how to fuck who they wanna

"A restaurant within a restaurant." How Shakespearean.

They can call the sequel Mothers I'd Like 2. IT'S GOLDEN!!


A woman's true worth is based solely upon whether or not "hot young guys" find her fuckable, after all. Long as you got that, age be damned!

this should have more upvotes than it does at this moment

or "American Pie."

Will Kristin Chenoweth star as her best friend in this one too? oh, lord, PLEASE SAY YES

Can we stop over-validating Chris Pratt now, please?

they're so ubiquitous and prominent they don't even need to MOVE anymore to be the dominant movement

20-Something Male Enlightens World of Proper Feminism Use; Healthy Body-Weight
Women World-Over Swoon; Drop Panties

I believe it might be the same thing, as a matter of fact. I don't think Charlie's Angels are that far behind in terms of models kicking butt.