Fired, Aren't I

Yes but unless she's black she won't be the one to die.


Pencillin wasn't needed. It was burning but it wasn't being consumed.

Men have personalities and seek to build, create, learn, and have a purpose in their lives other than pairing up with someone else because testosterone magically creates these things for them. Women don't have the enormous sex drive that men do*, and because sexual appetite is the only thing that drives anyone to do

"She's got GLASSES! And a PONYTAIL!!! And PAINT on her OVERALLS!!!!"

eeeeeh.. no thanks.

The only good Jews in the gospel writings were those who had already converted to Jesus-followers.

That would make sense if the Pharisees as shown in the gospel writings weren't baseless caricatures created to "other" and vilify an entire group of people for the sake of furthering the plot of a story. Jesus' teachings, when analyzed, are largely Pharisaical (except for the times when they're more severe - e.g.

[The film was] accused, for example, of being anti-Semitic because of the villainous
Pharisee priests, the film was, in reality, directed by the same guy who
made Fiddler On The Roof, Norman Jewison

I remember that. They couldn't say "Satanic Demon Spawn" on TV in those days though, so they called the episode "Lucy Évoque Une Progéniture Démon Satanique."

I got slapped fairly regularly as a kid. When I got old enough, I made sure my parents regretted it - by slapping them back if they even laid a hand on me or my younger siblings. Not on MY watch. That's what it taught me.

I'm thrilled that I"m not the only one whose brain immediately went to Troy McClure's ambiguous bizarre sexuality while watching the Dean plot unfold.

I guess FOX passed along Peter Griffin's letter to the peacock.

oooh, so close.

"Her inner goddess did the Macarena."

Rumored names for directing the sequels include E.L. James,
Erica Jaymes, and some lady named Snowka Ween Aisdraggin. Seems legit

Also loved that one. I thought the one I highlighted hit a little farther south. But it's certainly true - Christians love watching muscular, generally hairless men subjected to torture.

…descriptions of past events generally being enough for faithful Christians.

oh jeez, seriously?? Season 1? wow. I didn't expect that.

Remember, teens: Being a TRUE artist means never having to even CONSIDER playing by [airquotes] society's [/airquotes] rules. Also all of your suffering is justification that the world isn't ready for your brilliance - not that you might be doing things in an unhealthy, unsustainable, and unproductive manner that will