Fired, Aren't I

Gary Stu, in this case..

Idina Menzel (Elsa from Frozen; original Elphaba) did a guest shot later in the show's lifespan playing Rachel's biological mom. (I can't argue with the casting; they do have an eery resemblance - I just wish it weren't so since I can't stand Rachel but I do like Menzel.) Anyway, Menzel has this video on YouTube

In other words, show them any Christopher Guest mockumentary. "Waiting for Guffman" seems apt in this case.

Upvoted for recognizing that Ryan Murphy is a self-important hack who thinks his show was way more relevant than it was. Cuz.. truth.

The best episode of "Glee" I ever saw was the "Community" third season Christmas episode.

DAMMIT Mira! You were in QUIZ SHOW!!!

I was… expressing sarcasm.

Judaism has always been more concerned with running a society and
setting oneself apart from one's neighbors than in matters of high
philosophy or good and evil.

Atheism and Judaism are for some reason perfectly capable of coexisting in the same person. My dad and Grandpop are 2 examples. My friend's great-great-uncle kept super strict Kosher, but would actively try to de-convert religious people by proving to them God doesn't exist.

Eh, one more.

Right, and that message is COMPLETELY different from the messages pushed by the movies to which it's attempting to be an antidote. You know, the one where the sparkly vampire can't be around that mousey human woman because he won't be able to control his lust for her (which would literally result in his devouring

One could counter the characterizations of Atheism with "Well secular films often depict evangelical Christians as intolerant, openly-bigoted yearners of pre-enlightenment Europe." And that might be true. But I've met much more of those IRL than I have Atheists who question why humans should care for other humans. I

"What? Women are things."

Sounds like you gave it a "Gentleman's F."

"Gravemind? ODST Browser?" Aren't those just buzzwords dumb people use to sound important?

And us web developers dance the dance of joyous dancing for joy.

Frozen was really, really popular. Therefor I will now snarkily snark about my utter disdain for the decision-makers that dare to, for some reason, make a sequel. Also it was really really popular so there's no way it was at all possessing quality.


seriously, if they don't do that they deserve to lose a billion dollars in marketing.

2 Freaky 2 Friday