Fired, Aren't I

Naked Woman Sniper
Havin' Lotsa Seeeeeex

Look, I just love the fact that the screenshot you used to represent the Jetsons family was from the episode of Harvey Birdman that mocked them.

Up her vagina.

How is it 30 Rock was able to predict so much of what NBC/Kabletown was going to bring to air YEARS before it even happened, even beyond cancellation of its own show??


and not just an AP Classics teacher.

She's a *lady* teacher. They're less-smart than dude-teachers. It goes with the territory of always being wrapped up in one's emotions/menstrual cycles. They need strong young verile bros to learn them proper literature every few years. Right from Homer's skull, apparently.

This cause's leaders are Rob Schneider and Jenny McCarthy. That's all you need to know in order to pass judgment.

Quick reminder to people following the thread - racism in 2015 isn't white people burning crosses and saying "we think negroes deserve to be segregated from whites." Racism is a system built by a privileged white ruling class that by design denies non-whites representation, even in supposedly "democratic" institutions.

Seriously, blacks, we let you people have your "issue movie" win last year; can't you just settle down?!

sculpted dongs, and butts, and vulvas, OH MY!!!

Some chick coming while a dude eats out her asshole in a poorly lit kitchen on a TV show?? "Quelle nouvelle," says no one who hasn't had either pay-tv or internet for the past couple decades. Oh "Girls," you just GO THERE!

I've seen more people at Halloween dressed up as characters from Wes Anderson sleeper hits than as any character from Avatar. Even if a movie isn't loved by everyone, or isn't very popular or high-grossing among that many people, it can still make a lasting mark on the zeitgeist, for better or worse. I guess the

2 Dances 2 Smurfs

This can only mean that "my own Christian Grey flavored popsicle" made it into the final script somehow. Yes, I think it must have.

I've liked this song since I first heard it as a small kid. It may have foretold my obsession with esoteric facts, but what sucked me in was that chorus and driving beat. I enjoyed it years later as a teen; I still enjoy it now. Haters gonna hate; that's well and good for them - but I still like it.

They got to sit next to and take selfies with Idina Menzel while waiting to go on. I'd say they were treated pretty damn well.

"The Atlas Shrugged Holiday Special"

Side note, I hate it when the slots come up with lemon instead of "bar" or a fourth "difficult." THIS CLOSE to winning the $70 jackpot…

He really should stop talking about us and to us and instead converse WITH us. Then maybe he's finally realize it isn't 1991 and we're not waiting on baited breath for some "kind loving christian" to treat us as something other than filthy sodomites. We have, like, actual lives and families. Companies put us in their