Fired, Aren't I

You win the comments thread.

Good, cuz I'm real tired of playing "maybe if I'm patient they'll eventually realize how far they've fallen" skeeball.

So, now that Groening's principles are completely warped from 20 years ago, think he'll assist in resurrecting "The Critic"?

But the idea that the only reason it wasn't picked up again was because it wasn't a widely acclaimed ratings blockbuster sort of proves the point that women have to work twice as hard in hollywood to make it. There are plenty of "mixed acclaim" shows with so-so ratings and male leads that are given a free pass. As


"Follow You Down" is also great. It hit #15 in 96, according to wiki, and I grew up thinking it was a hit from them as well. "Found Out About You" is great.

Jeez, even "Friends" has a "Black-Innovation-That-Happened-First-But-Got-No-Attention-Cuz-It's-Black" predecessor.

+1 for "do your blurst, monkeys."

All the feels…. damn onions

Because there's no way the title "The Sand Snakes" could also be seen as a coded metaphor.

Pro-Tip: Watch this on mute while listening to one of Weird Al's polka medleys.

Much Brunette! So Ponytailed! Very sex-toy!

Thanks Warner Bros., but nothing will top PBS's 1-2 punch of Wishbone's Odyssey (with an adorable Parson Russell Terrier in the lead role) and Arthur's Odyssey (featuring a character playing Poseidon in drag).

Watterson cites Walt Kelly's Pogo as one of his greatest influences, actually.

Nope, Company Z tried to enter the market but the 4 main agricultural providers were legally unable to provide stuffs to them because of their exclusive contract with Company A. They were able to find a couple of providers, however these were smaller individuals whose profit margins were much thinner and so Company Z

Because Company A has a monopoly on all connections with food companies, and in their superior capitalist skills they have purchased exclusive contracts with agriculture companies. Even if a smaller newer company could start up, it would fail because 1. it can't compete in a price war with a company that can get a

You can't refuse to do business with "those known to deal unethically" if 1. it's kept covered up and 2. they're the only company in town. If grocery company A rises to the top because they do business better than grocery companies B, C, and Q (who subsequently go out of business because of this), and later it's