The hell you say!
The hell you say!
'Tis. I was born there.
Can John get cell reception on his Yacht? Is his marine radio working? I hope some can get word about this to him.
I was once lectured by a social justice warrior girlfriend that it was unacceptable for me to find guide dogs cute because "they aren't pets" and it was disrespectful to disabled people to think of them that way.
This is pretty crazy!
Though, I was talking about color in general.
" Michael J. Fox"
Wait, what do the real victims get?
$1.2M for a lost leg? $2.2M for two legs? Apparently your second leg is worth $200,000 less than your first leg.
Maybe, maybe, Baldwin can argue that queeny was a reference to seeming overly privileged like a queen, but this seems like a pretty clear insult directed at his enjoyment of anal stimulation (albeit with some grammatical struggles):
Exactly, this! I was trying to explain this to another user in a discussion on this page, who repeatedly called Mark O'Mara an asshole. He's just a guy doing his job.
Part of that is just the nature of cross examination. You're supposed to ask only leading questions on cross and it takes some skill to do that without coming across like a smug asshole. Of course, when you are a smug asshole, it becomes almost impossible to hide no matter your skills.
And use of the word "moist"
It is definitely nuanced with no clear black and white answer. Thanks for a nice discussion. I love it when things can be talked about here without descending into nastiness.
One-off cases of incestuous couples having children is way less risky than, say, people who carry a cystic fibrosis gene having children. If incest is rare, I don't really see a major problem with it, especially if they chose to use a gamete donor for any resulting children.
Because incest often involves a very imbalanced power dynamic, especially if it is a parent/child relationship. There is the basis for coercion or grooming as compared to true consent. The free are obviously exceptions to this, like cousins that meet and fall in love, but that is not usually the kind of incest people…
I honk I feel the same way. I can see no reason that poly marriages shouldn't be legal. The problem is that the people involved in them seen split between loving relationships that deserve to get married and people that don't consent or consent but are arguably brainwashed into it by religion, and aren't actually…
Yeah, there are tons of substantive differences you could use to argue for legalizing gay monogamous marriages while banning poly marriages. I just don't think any arguments for banning poly marriage across the board hold up.