legal but illicitly used

I'm thinking about getting a ps2 so I can play all my favorite old games without having to deal with that.

Once the transaction is complete at Gamestop, that's my copy of the game. They got their money for it. If I want to give it away or loan it out, that's my prerogative.

The portrayal of black/Irish anarchists as just as bad as white supremacists was really grating and ruined the game for me

We secretly enjoy making the British giggle uncomfortably by calling them "vagina packs"

Yo, social fascists is actually a termed coined by the Comintern to describe capitalism as being in a stage where liberals and non-revolutionary socialists are holding back a revolution.

I enjoyed Enterprise.

That being said, percentage of assholishness can skew if you work near, say, a country club or college campus.

This bugs me as a southerner. Racism isn't unique to the south. To be racist is not to be like a southerner. Yankees are just as good at White supremacy because they mostly invented it—racist notions used today ultimately date back to when wealthy, educated white Anglos had to justify slavery and convince indentured

Mmm. Sugary sweet ass.

Yep. They put one in at the restaurant I used to work at, which didn't work out due to the small capacity of the cartridges. It's one of the busiest in town, and the old sacks of syrup would last much longer

My understanding is that anything that violates the patriarchal code is vilified. A gay couple will not produce offspring, which wrecks inheritance.

You're both right. I think all commercial artists walk a line between artistry and crafty on one side, and the need to survive as a worker in capitalism, ie to make movies that will turn a profit.

True story: a fringe minority wants to reduce pi to 3 because that's all biblical times people calculated it to

Cuba is the only sustainable economy, according to the WWF and other conservation groups. Capitalism is intrinsically incapable of ecological preservation unless anti-capitalist forces compel it to be otherwise. But, like Marx pointed out, the dynamism of capitalism is forever overcoming obstacles.

Anti-Cuban propaganda is basically decades of "Iraq has WMDs" so it turns out you're the uncritical and stupid one.

Castro has less blood on his hands and had done more good for more people than any given US President

It's really the worst. It's just as contrived and shallow as anything. What's worse is now commercials are full of "isn't it cute we kinda suck and also look I'm playing a kids toy instrument! I'm so darling!" And cynical, my dear, you just dress it in pastels and floral print.

I actually like old amine more than new, the animation is more endearing. And I think they borrowed a lot from American scifi/action from that era, which is some of my favorite.

The notorious S.H. E.

Hot, humid, stormy taints. Mm.