
I think the show when too long. You need to end on a high note, not be shown the door.

You guys are just too cool for TV anyway. I doubt you watch anything not on the CW or streaming. CBS is going after its core audience. For CBS that is 59! This show will do just fine among that group who don't even know who Harambe is.

Just realizing that in some other universe Fringe is still fresh and new episodes are being made, gives me satisfaction.

So the movie was about stealing a kid for his wife (Holly Hunter) because she was "barren" So yea but them on a biology book cover. That is a great typical 80's mustache.

My issue has been CBS' B.S. scheduling. These last two weeks was the first time in a long while it was on two weeks in a row. Every award show on any channel was reason for them to no schedule the show. Thank goodness for the DVR.

This must be were all those who dislike the show come? Well not me. I've enjoyed every episode. Yes, they are not all speaking Arabic and yes they cast a white guy as the lead. Have you looked at Al-Assad? He looks like he is from the US or Europe. Jamal is the best character on the show not Berry. Berry

I'm jonesing for the next season.