
I wish I was lonely. That would mean I actually got time to myself. No sir, I live with my wife and THREE daughters.. All ages 10 and under. I’d KILL for loneliness. I get maybe a little time before work and everyone wakes up and that’s about it.

That is a great story!

This movie is so good that it needs half-baked explanations of all the incompetent mistakes after the fact. Seriously. How many more articles is the internet going to provide before everyone just stops lying and says this is the best film ever??

Possibly booked through a student group. So it was taken on good faith.

And there’s no period of time shorter than that of an article being posted to some indignant internet blowhard chiming in with a willful misinterpretation of a comic because the want to shake their jowls in disbelief that someone would make a comic without consulting them first.

That dinner was specifically for the other nominees in his category, i.e. lead male actor in a musical or comedy. He says he took the idea directly from when Whoopi Goldberg did the same by taking out to dinner all of the nominees in her category, lead female actress, when she was nominated (this was a good while

The only time I wake my husband up in angry laughter is when he and the dog synchronize their snoring into a seamless loop.

Yeaaaah, I think that’s a pretty weird thing to get angry at him about. He said: “I want to take a moment to just say thank you to Eve, who always stood by me for 22 years. And my four children — Clara, Esther, Jamyan and Anouk — I love you. ... There wouldn’t have been any Emmit Stussy without David Thewlis and

He thanked his girlfriend while he was thanking people who worked on Fargo. I keep seeing a lot about this but honestly it’s not like he said “I’d like to thank my wife for being there for me for so many years, and my new girlfriend who lets me stick it in her vagina.” It’s pretty common for people to thank costars on

I didn’t watch the vid, but seeing the pics finally helped me figure out who the Paul bros remind me of.

She was a victim of something the new series is doing a LOT. Telling instead of showing. “She’s a great commander, remember her blah blah blah at the blah blah blah?” Same with Snoke. You can’t just tell us these people are something. You need to show us.

This scene bugged the shit out of me but not for the reason described.

Agree 100%. I went in positively happy to watch this move and came out frustrated. I actually hate this movie. It felt like a waste of my time. If everything is a twist and the heroes actions don’t matter...why am I watching this movie?

I don’t buy that. No one ever thought Han Solo wasn’t awesome because he wasn’t a Skywalker.

The fuck? Where did you read that?!

Also, why the heck are the star destroyers just sitting there while the dreadnought gets blown up? They’re literally RIGHT THERE, and none of them swoop in to help, or send out their TIE Fighters to take out the bombers. They literally just watch the whole thing go down. Honestly, this movie established that star

Where the hell was that implied? Not arguing with you, I just never had that impression. Is it in the EU?

To expand on your point: why did they go through the whole headache of obtaining the death star blue prints / assembling and deploying a strike force to shoot down that tiny ventilation shaft when they could just find a few brave souls willing jump to light speed through the thing?

Also, did the Dreadnaught not have any shields? First Poe swoops in and takes out all of it’s point defense weapons, and then the Resistance Bombers fly in to drop a shit ton of bombs. We also see Kylo Ren basically fly almost inside the Resistance carrier ship. If small ships can fly right up close to big ships, why

So, if the Star Destroyers couldn’t jump to lightspeed without overshooting the Rebels, why didn’t they just jump away to somewhere else, and then jump back ahead of the rebels? And if they can track ships at lightspeed, that means that there are several Star Destroyers following the Millennium Falcon at the end of