
the full season has been up online for a week now.

And as someone else mentioned, Ralphie is a regular kid and is allowed to be kind of shitty sometimes, and allowed to get away with it. I still think the funniest scene (aside from all of Darren McGavin’s gibberish swearing) is when he gets caught saying “fuck” and is being interrogated by his mom with a bar of soap

Not sure why they would post it last night (other than a mistake) but what exactly were you expecting when you read the title The creators of Search Party break down the season-2 finale” that made you think it wouldn’t have hefty spoilers and caused you to click through without any sort of pause?

It was absolutely terrible. I heard people in my theater audibly laughing, which I’m sure wasn’t the intent.

Hating it because it was/wasn’t a remake is a straw man argument.

I am pretty sure I hated this movie. There were so many things in there that wasn’t Star Wars and didn’t feel like Star Wars. The Matrix Style slow motion ducking under the lightsaber, Luke brushing his shoulders off, the reach out and Luke ticking Rey with a leaf. The your mom joke. Leia’s Mary Poppins/Superman float

I don’t think so. Homelessness is a huge issue in LA—HUGE. They have money and time, apparently, so they could throw themselves into helping with that in literally any way—solving the bathroom issue for homeless people or helping feed homeless people, if not actually helping to solve homelessness. Or help spay &

That’s great. Moby just had a city pay three professionals to study a policy that was obviously terrible and would quadruple the food budget.

You’re lucky. I have super-fine, straight hair that becomes greasy and clumps together if I don’t shampoo it daily. And before one of the BRO YOU DON’T REALLY NEED TO WASH YOUR HAIR people chime in, I’ve done week-long camping trips and such where I actually haven’t washed it for 7 days straight, and it only becomes

WHEW GIRL. Live footage of me reading the Anna Holmes blurb:

Also Trump comes off as so awkward I can’t imagine having a beer with him. Plus he knows nothing of beer as he doesn’t drink. Obama had homebrewed White House beer and can shoot a basketball without collapsing.

Right? Shit, I want the president to be at least 50% better than me in every single way. Wanting regular morons to run our country is why we’re in such a mess.

And this, I think, perfectly highlights how the middle of America wants “someone just like them” or “someone I can have a beer with.” Obama’s food preferences were far too hoity-toity and fit the narrative of “well, he’s not really American.” They too are eating and feeding their families garbage, and when the

That’s how I ate my steak as a kid, because that’s how my grandpa ate his steak when we would go over for Sunday dinner. I didn’t figure out until I was an adult that it was frowned upon.

the uneaten ones can be trickled down to the poor.

But he wouldn’t get the same satisfaction of wanton excess and wasteful destruction by opening one of those. It’s the same reason he wants to run all the country, but only help a small percentage. We’re the Oreos he throws out.

There’s a phrase from computer science that comes to mind: garbage in, garbage out.

His test results are so good because he copied off the guy in line in front of him.

Doesn’t sound like the diet of an individual who’s doctor Dr. Bornstein in 2015 said:
“If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency,” Trump’s lab test results were “astonishingly excellent,
It’s almost like his doctor was lying.

“Trump’s plane was stocked with “many packages” of Oreos because once one was open, he refused to eat from it again.”