
I think you can repair displays and fix/update info without tearing out everything and turning it into a white cube.

Don’t you dare advocate for that wood-panelled glory to be renovated! There’s something deeply enjoyable at looking at those woodland displays in a mid-century modern setting and knowing that my parents viewed it the same exact way when they were kids.

Mother pegs for sure

Great article but do you have any plans to address the fact that Mike Judge is king of the pop culture hill? I keep hearing rumors.

I hate this goddamn year so much. I’m no longer saying “what next!” because I don’t want 2017 to think I’m egging it on.

Yeah I wasn’t 100% sold on the Good Place until the finale - I didn’t think a network show could still be genuinely surprising, interesting, and funny anymore and it totally proved me wrong. Give Ted a statue, people.

The format selection was probably an even split between "penitence for not writing down the band name" and "being 12 and using the remnants of birthday money"

I so vividly remember seeing Everlong for the first time on 120 Minutes. It was way past my bedtime, during summer vacation and the next morning it felt like I had dreamed it. I remember describing the giant hand to a record store employee in an attempt to find the album (I bought it on cassette, of course)


Same. I stopped reading comments on Gizmodo/Jezebel specifically because of Kinja.


Yeah ok, but…his hairline.

I saw a YouTube comment in which a (current)15 year old spoke wistfully about Roundhouse. ROUNDHOUSE?! No one ever liked Roundhouse!

"Not to mention, half of the stuff they cling to as "90's" came out after 2000!"

Yeah I noticed that a lot of the bands I expected to be here that are missing happen to be female-fronted. The Slits, Au Pairs, Bikini Kill, Kleenex are all relevant enough to include if Mr. T Experience and The Pork Dukes are…

Maybe it's on there and I'm missing it but I'm surprised Bikini Kill didn't make the cut. Riot Grrl is a big chapter of punk history, whether it's to his taste or not.

Wow, I was way off! I lived on Manor Road for some time and didn't consider Stamford Hill - though it makes sense. Was the accident scene Hackney Central as well? Thought it could have been around Kingsland, too.

Do you know what road/area? I've been trying to sort it out since Series 2 began. It's not Dalston or Clapton, but I'm torn between guessing Walthamstow, Victoria Park, or the area near DeBeauvoir.

Can someone please stop this show? It's starting to feel like being forced to look at your once-beloved but now poorly embalmed grandmother at an endless wake.

Jurassic World is the first movie since Juwanna Mann that I walked out of the theater during.