
His NY1 reference had me crying. That channel really does love to report specific cases of heat stroke before calmly rattling off open cooling station locations.

Other than the puking, was there anything else to imply she's pregnant? I feel like I missed something

Right? I don't think having them end up together is a "fairytale" ending, as many have implied. They're both fucked up in their own ways but they compliment and understand each other in a really unique way. Hannah finally understanding what she wants would've made it easier for Adam to let his guard down stop worrying

As someone with parents who legitimately sound like Joe Pesci I can smell the BS wafting off his accent at the beginning. The way he says "house", "are", "more" and basically any R or O sound is way off.

Amen, buddy. I also find that, as I get older, Nick's dad wasn't nearly as unreasonable about his drum kit as I thought he was back in 1999

Sounds much better than the episode where Jessica got her first period on the same day as the Ruby Ridge standoff. What's worse is they set the scene to What Is Love? - which wasn't released until 1993. Amateurs

Fuck. You're right. I was 15 when Freaks & Geeks began and now I wonder how hard my 25 year old cousins were rolling their eyes when I talked incessantly about how much better the 1980s were…

It feels like the show is doing it's best to totally flip our feelings for the characters as we perceived them in the first episode. Back then Marnie seemed level-headed, and Jessa was justifiably too cool for and irritated by the other girls. Meanwhile, Shosh was an ditsy NYU student trying to live out her greatest

I feel like a lot has been pointing to a rekindling of Adam's feelings for Hannah. When they were dating he seemed to consistently feel that she still always had one foot out the door (not wanting him to move in, moving to Iowa, etc.). Having a baby is (usually) the ultimate grounding experience and he might view it

I agree. your late twenties is prime time for figuring out your priorities and sloughing off the dead weight of friends who drag you down. Many of the people who are very important to you when you're 22 disappear by the time you're 29 - they were situational friendships of a place you've since outgrown (or, sometimes,

Outkast's "Hey Ya" so it would no longer be tainted by hearing it constantly at fratty college parties

I found the XFM shows and Guardian podcasts enjoyable up to a point, but the constant Pilkington stuff eventually got to me. There's only so long and in so many ways I can stand listening to two guys call their mate an idiot before it becomes bullying.

Yup - Extras made me tired of him, his radio show made me sick of him, and Derek made me hate him. A true example of self-deprecation being used to disguise a desire to always be the smartest guy in the room.

Can confirm: myself and most girls I know wanted to doink Jim; did not have the same feelings for Tim. Smug, cool heatthrob is always less funny than smug, aimless wimp.

My dad took me and my brother to see Jack. I had an unsettled feeling the entire time that my father had mistaken this grim disaster for a kid's flick, like the time he let us watch Cool World at a birthday party.

They were both in Freaks & Geeks too - Krumholtz as Neil's brother, Corrigan as Milly's loser cousin that makes fake IDs

"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?"