
And a lack of knowledge of gun safety will help?

I just rolled my eyes so hard I think I sprained them.

Psychological well-being, yes. IQ test, absolutely not.

Restrict ammo sales, then. You can buy a gun, but you can’t get ammo for it until you present a certificate of having passed a safety course. Have ammo sellers ask questions if a private citizen buys in bulk. It wouldn’t solve every problem, but it’d go a long way.

Why DO liberals assume everyone who doesn’t oppose gun ownership is a conservative, which they use as a snarl word? A great mystery, to be sure....

Well, guns aren’t leaving America anytime soon, so we might as well find a way to coexist with them.

I didn’t say a word about whether or not it was within Wizard World’s rights to evict them. They’re clearly operating on solid legal ground here. What I questioned was whether or not it was a good idea. Many geeky things today—post-apocalyptic and superhero movies, to name a couple—feature guns, and since Hollywood

Many of Brandon Sanderson’s books show what can happen when a geek is also knowledgeable about guns. Namely, the Reckoners trilogy, where characters in a post-apocalyptic world practice proper gun safety; and the Era 2 Mistborn books, where we get a detailed look at how a gunmaker would adjust their designs and ammo

Sure, they can seem scary, but I’ve never feared them. I grew up in Wyoming, where—as you may imagine—guns are quite common. I was taught from the time I was small that guns were powerful, and I was taught to respect them for that power, but I was never afraid of them. They’re tools. You use them for a specific job

There’s so much inaccurate information floating around out there that I’d actually support mandatory gun safety classes for all firearms owners. Really, there’s nothing to fear from a society that owns a lot of guns if their owners know how to use them. Now, a society with a lot of guns and people who couldn’t pass a

How is promoting “gun and safety classes” cause for alarm? Hollywood mythologizes guns to the point where many onscreen depictions are inaccurate. If someone picks up a gun, thinking it works the way it does in movies, someone is going to get hurt. It might be them, it might be someone else, but someone will be

The reveal of “the Master race” was honestly one of the most horrifying moments in Who history. And the Weeping Angels, Toclafane, and Waters of Mars are included in that running.

island nation….

The film would turn into 90 minutes of puns and it would be glorious.

Technically? I guess this movie was never concerned with accuracy anyway, so picking at this one thing is kind of a moot point.

Arizona? I thought the stories about Thunderbirds came mostly from northern First Nations?

You mock them now, but when you need some of the ~*~good stuff~*~ that you can’t buy at an apothecary, you’ll eat those words.

There is no “average” to some of these fans. It’s either the most amazing thing in the history of amazingness, or it’s a hot mess.

Merlin’s pants. This movie is either going to be a horrific mess, or it’s going to shock the world with how good it is.

After the war, why was there not a movement to re-integrate into the Muggle world? Separatism led to widespread ignorance of Muggles, which provided fertile ground for Voldemort’s hateful teachings. You’d think at least some witches and wizards would recognize this and campaign for an end to the International Statute