Dear people who are always getting offended at everything,
Dear people who are always getting offended at everything,
Dear Korea,
Let me just put on my otaku hat here... ok there we go
I believe it is the fact that while China does produce some quality stuff, the vast majority of it is still basement priced, by-the-container-load pieces of recycled sewer pipe with illegally copied electronics
They’re blatantly ripping off other manufacturers, you know, like they’ve been doing for decades. If they want our respect, how about they try coming up with some original ideas for once. Hell I’ve seen some pretty impressive concept sketches from random people on the internet, it’s mind blowing that China’s car…
Will these be sold on late-night infomercials?
I always find it amusing that the generation clash is always viewed as being millennials vs baby boomers. Poor old Gen X just gets forgotten, which seems like the most Gen X thing it could really do.
*High 5*. Remember when Gen X was told that we were “the first generation whose income would not exceed our parents”?
Reaction videos make me want to punch the people making them.
Considering Monopoly was first created as a tool to show the dangers of income inequality and wealth concentration, there might be no more fitting game for society’s current Gilded Age 2.0 woes than one born out of Gilded Age 1.0.
Very true. 8-10 years ago, phones made big enough strides each generation that there were material benefits in each upgrade. But it’s a more mature technology now, and 3 years between upgrades is perfectly reasonable (especially if you buy a flagship-level phone each time).
Would there ever really be a reason to upgrade yearly? I think it's best to upgrade maybe 3 years. Unless you are having serious issues with your current device, this wouldn't be worth the jump. Unless you are one of those people that have to have the newest things.
Fuck this administration. Fuck the republican party.
I’m sure we’ve all tried
fuck that. film the cops regardless.
Get some exercise
Swap out that Valium for a Xanax and a weed cookie, and yeah, I’ll take those beers too.
I prefer all of these things to being next to someone wearing lots of perfume and cologne.
I wonder what lift wrecked his marriage?