
Cobb County’s non-namesake, Ty, would be proud of the last sentence.

Can’t wait to not be able to take public transit and brave the busiest interchange in the south and not find parking to overpay to see one of the most dismal teams in MLB history while sitting next to a bunch of old money assholes with funny sounding voices. But at least I won’t have to see black people out the window

I was about to type this exact statement.

And remember, the Monica Lewinsky thing happened because Starr was tasked with pinning the Whitewater scandal on Bill Clinton and he couldn’t, so he went on a fishing expedition.

I’d guess local news is normally happy to roll over, especially if not doing so might hurt their relationship with important subjects. But apparently his handler didn’t realize that now that he’s resigned as president, Ken Starr is not important, and it’s in Baylor’s interest to shift blame to the people who have

Modern conservative movement bruh. Team politics at its finest.

That little smirk he gets during the third answer is just disgusting.

I think it would only be fair to give Clinton unlimited powers of persecution in this investigation, only what to call it?

A simple solution: Appoint an independent counsel to investigate the problems at Baylor. I nominate William Jefferson Clinton.

I read that article and had to laugh. Poor doofus who owns George’s can’t believe these all nice old Bible-beating white guys would sell out the “school” part of their university and cover-up ongoing criminal activity so an historically awful football program could try to become the Notre Dame of the South. This is

We left it to Waco and McClennan Co. officials. And those boys are always fucking things up.

The karma that is falling on Ken Starr is a beautiful thing to behold.

Could be code for “Heil Hitler” or as he does it “Hale Hitler".

“If you’re not a liberal when you’re 20, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative when you’re 40, you have no head.”

This seems to be a strawman, because even her fans would admit she’s flawed. This very story mentions that.