
Doesn’t matter how hard they are to rangle, you are alone responsible for everything and anything they do. And should be held accountable as such. If a kid does something or hurts themselves or someone else nobody absolutely nobody should take the blame but the parents and the kid.

It took more than "a second" for that kid to scale a wall. Parents are to blame in the death of that gorilla.

Destroying Lego statues, getting gorillas killed, ruining a nice dinner out for the guy at the next table...is there anything a child can’t do?

Only 2 people are at fault when a kid does something its not supposed to spoiler its the parents they are responsible for keeping the kid in line at all times. No shopping mall employee is to blame at all. That’s more of the great pass the buck parenting we see all the time now.

when i was a kid, my reaction to something as great as that was not “Destroy it!” They should start saving up for a psychiatrist.

The perfect punishment would be lock the kid in a room until he makes a perfect replica without any clothes. The floor is made entirely of electrified like in ‘The Cat’s Eye’ and covered with haphazardly scattered pieces of Lego, superglued to the ground, that which can be used to build a replica.

It’s called Antropomorphic Animals, Furries only applies when there is sexualisation in play and there is none here.
You sure must be a lot of fun at parties.

It’s a miracle they apologized at all. Usually they just film the destruction while laughing:

If I spent days working on something and a child broke it after an hour, the last person I’d want to be around is that child.

Or something you’ve worked years on.

this is the internet, nothing is ever too soon! especially the porn version

I know people probably beat me to it but...

“The parents apologized” - What about the kid? He should apologize too. :/

Who needs kids when the world will end in the next 50 years. Just settle for a cute puppy or a versatile tablet device.

Children are their own reason to not have children.

First the gorilla and now this... Children are a menace to [animal] society!

I think those two are one and the same.

The perfect punishment would be lock the kid in a room until he makes a perfect replica without any clothes and the floor is made entirely of haphazardly scattered pieces of Lego superglued to the ground.