The DA’s case was made as soon as he Flipped the Bird..
The DA’s case was made as soon as he Flipped the Bird..
I mean it is crap.. but it is a minivan... it is /was supposed to move your children from soccer game to soccer game... now people just do that in crossovers that actually aren’t as spacious or comfortable.... but cost 3x times more because of reasons and umm stuff...
#allpeppercorns matter
There are sooo few nazi’s stop trying to ruin a perfectly nice, white guy haircut with this nonsense...
I ain’t saying that is a all inclusive list.... but when you consider the number of White people out there... this list is statistically basically 0%
The Rock seems like a decent guy... I’m happy that there are some celebs that seem like they are probably quite decent people.
I have to admit.. it would be pretty sweet.. plus I could buy all that sweet sweet google stock and start mining bit coin day 1..etc,etc.... I’d have just quit a Trump advisory panel by the time we get back to now..
Maybe?? because I’m a grown up .. (40s) and am renting cars for work on a corporate account..etc.. I’d don’t tend to wail on rental cars, I drive them reasonably (~ish) I park them carefully ... because I don’t need any hassle /tickets / crashes ..damage to the car..etc that would make my work trip more of an…
That is a pretty bad road.. however I once lived 4blks from the ocean in a 80~% rich white people town in SoCal (north of San Diego).. the road I was on was nearly this narrow with no sidewalks.. and no street lights (the rich people didn’t want the night sky messed with by light pollution..)
I think their backs hurt and so they are just leaning on them taking some of the pressure off their spines since they are down there anyways..
I’m torn between not wanting to be rude.. and asking these bigoted against the left handed, morons if they have never heard of washing their g** d***ed hands after pooping.