Dude cats actually give ZERO fucks. The only thing my cats have responded to was the spray bottle but they still misbehave. They really just learn how to be sneakier.
Dude cats actually give ZERO fucks. The only thing my cats have responded to was the spray bottle but they still misbehave. They really just learn how to be sneakier.
So, that sounds pretty terrible. At what age is shaken baby syndrome no longer a risk? And somehow I don't think hitting a child is the best way to teach a child not to hit.
Congrats, you're an abusive parent. Showing your kid not to be violent by being violent? Excellent strategy. That poor baby boy, why do you think he hits, when you show him that hitting is appropriate? And shaking? How old is he? I've seen one too many kids with fucked up vision from being shaken. But I don't think…
It looks like a fuckkin world of pain, that's what it looks like.
Hoo boy. Here we go.
Gotta upvote you for this line. One of my favs!
And that's the real fear, not looking good.
SO much easier to be like that when they're dead though.
I have no doubt this invite was cheaper than therapy. I agree with you in a way, for nice normal little happy families who have their little spat, this would be ugly and loud. For someone who was abused for years, this may have been the best way to express their feelings and well deserved to the people who received…
I have relatives who are like her parents and they're still savoring what an awful person I am based on things I did as a small child. You can't win, you can just cut them off in the way that's truest for you. This was awesome.
I'm going to stop defending my choices to assholes and just start using the simple but brilliant sign off "because fuck you that's why."
Because calling attention to yourself to air your dirty laundry always makes for a long lasting and uniting move.
white strippers, black NFL guys - we haven't seen how this story would end?
I think that this mage is getting a lot of extra energy because of the creepiness of the photoshopped crotch. It's compelling because it's so weird. I think you're absolutely right- it looks so much like Barbie's crotch that it triggers all kinds of uncanny valley childhood memories. The curiosity and frustration of…
always wondered what a live version of Jessica Rabbitt would look like.
Heh. All semi-literacy jokes aside, though... I wouldn't have blamed her one bit for doing this, and dumping him, the FIRST time he cheated on her.
poor girl. You can only go so far in life when your parents name you Racine.
I can see at least three things that have blown up because of a pregnancy here.