
Reagan could have done a credible job— he had acting skills, you know, and pretty darned good people skills as well. Maybe? Jimmy Carter has proved his humanity. He could have done a great job. Bill Clinton, as some wags used to say, is surely half-Black. He could have done a superb job. I think JFK would have pulled

South Carolina native here. First, I am so grateful we got through this day without any more violence. Charleston has had the potential to be a powder keg for the past week. Did not happen. Secondly, Obama could not have done any better today- as President, as a person. Just think if all politicians were FREED from

Apparently so.

So, let’s go. Start state by state. Remove ANYTHING pertaining to the South during the Civil War. 50 states. Statues. Memorials. Rename ponds,parks, lakes, roads, etc. Get started. It’s going to be a long process. Let’s pass a Federal law that prohibits any display of any type of the Dixie flag, just like post-war

I 100% agree with you. I abandoned hope at that point.

The entirety of South Carolina?? Please. I stand before you and tell you the entirety of the state did not stand behind him. Try to have some sense.

Abandon hope, until phones make it impossible to shoot vertical video.

Simply put, but quite correct and covers the topics nicely. Well-done.

Hmm. Maybe those complaints need to be made anonymously.

Confusing. The whole story is confusing. But above comments indicate she was a blonde when she attended Howard. Her father’s comments are unclear, but she was definitely not presenting herself as black at Howard.

Game over. It is 100% clear that Gawker is obsessed with dicks.

Are those boobs real?

White polyester pants. Not a good look, Christie. Your tum-tum is too large for that look. Chunky thighs. Bulgy buttocks. Nope Nope Nope.

OK. So, legally, it is a crime. Point taken. But emotionally, morally, ethically, I could never consider it a “crime.” The only crime is that another young person did not receive the help he or she needed in order to prevent this act of hopelessness.

Thank you for helping me improve my vocabulary, empathy, and understanding today. (I am serious, despite being on Gawker.)

At first, I thought his nickname was Junior. That would be the icing on the cake.

Well, well, well. Isn’t THAT special??? Police know how to do passive-aggressive techniques.

Hey, a little Benadryl is usually not harmful. A little Tylenol drops.... better living thru Big Pharma.

Sigh. That floor is so filthy. But you do you.

I would do this. Seems very affordable. The last date I had did not end well....so yes. I would consider this.