
@yogibimbi: J is last? Those coldhearted bastards.

@Odin: Two wrongs don't make a Wright, but do two Wrights make a plane?

I'm not sure how they managed to trademark "App Store" in the first place. Weren't trademarks originally created to make it clear whence a product came from? But Microsoft simply has "Marketplace", which isn't clear either. "Android Market"? Totally clear.

@KamWrex: The cloud: because interconnected wires running underseas serving data resemble floating H₂O molecules that create electricity via friction.

@Odin: Actually, they trademarked "face" but had trouble with "book". They did, however, try to trademark both. Face and book.

And I guess since Apple calls their OS "Mac OS X" they'll need to rename that too.

@correnos001: You're absolutely right, but I think they'd be lowered significantly enough that it'd work. Also, I could see some indie developers cutting costs by completely foregoing a website and representing themselves solely on the Mac App Store, like a few did in the iPhone App Store.

@KatsumeBlisk: Yeah, that stuff probably would even out with giving 30% to Apple.

@KatsumeBlisk: You'd be paid less, but you also wouldn't have to pay for hosting or the other costs of a normal developer's website.

A potential solution to the re-purchasing problem could be waiting until a full version increment (2.x to 3.0, for example) and then releasing solely on the Mac App Store.

@jonerikstorm: No paid upgrades is something we won't like—in fact, we'll hate it. How could paying more for software possibly be something we'd like?

Second-to-last paragraph, "an free market" should be "a free market".

Can Crysis run it?

Eh. Car commercial plus Princess Mononoke.

Tron visuals plus music and optionally plus product have me sold.

@Qwxptlz: I live near Google and I just snuck in to check—apparently, there's a sixty–forty chance. The next step is to find out what of.