@yogibimbi: J is last? Those coldhearted bastards.
@yogibimbi: J is last? Those coldhearted bastards.
@Odin: Two wrongs don't make a Wright, but do two Wrights make a plane?
@ethanajs: Damn!
I'm not sure how they managed to trademark "App Store" in the first place. Weren't trademarks originally created to make it clear whence a product came from? But Microsoft simply has "Marketplace", which isn't clear either. "Android Market"? Totally clear.
@KamWrex: The cloud: because interconnected wires running underseas serving data resemble floating H₂O molecules that create electricity via friction.
And I guess since Apple calls their OS "Mac OS X" they'll need to rename that too.
@correnos001: You're absolutely right, but I think they'd be lowered significantly enough that it'd work. Also, I could see some indie developers cutting costs by completely foregoing a website and representing themselves solely on the Mac App Store, like a few did in the iPhone App Store.
@KatsumeBlisk: Yeah, that stuff probably would even out with giving 30% to Apple.
@KatsumeBlisk: You'd be paid less, but you also wouldn't have to pay for hosting or the other costs of a normal developer's website.
A potential solution to the re-purchasing problem could be waiting until a full version increment (2.x to 3.0, for example) and then releasing solely on the Mac App Store.
@chriskennard: I think you mean #corrections; that's the commonly-used tag.
@jonerikstorm: No paid upgrades is something we won't like—in fact, we'll hate it. How could paying more for software possibly be something we'd like?
Second-to-last paragraph, "an free market" should be "a free market".
Can Crysis run it?
@caliaa: For what?
Eh. Car commercial plus Princess Mononoke.
Tron visuals plus music and optionally plus product have me sold.
@Qwxptlz: I live near Google and I just snuck in to check—apparently, there's a sixty–forty chance. The next step is to find out what of.