@General_Bison: I think you misunderstand—Starbucks will normally serve you an item on which a menu is balance. If you want a different menu—one that is not normally balanced on items—you order an off-item menu.
@jeffk: Wow, they really do . . . do you have font smoothing turned on?
@danwilli: I hate you. Now I'm gonna be clicking that until I get the apply button.
More like Google ÷ 0.
@lazaruspryor: I'll promote because it fits this perfectly. What song?
@LeftClicker105: Never mind, it does have a laser pointer. Feel free to point at me and call me stupid.
@LombardoJoe: mind = blown
@jpaugh: ThinkGeek's had it for a long time, though.
ThinkGeek has one of these sans laser pointer. Other than that, it is the exact same product. [thinkgeek.com]
I learned that Connecticut is spelled with three Cs.
Or you could tell them you'd pay for the tip.
@tylerbrainerd: #heartclick for the Rain Man reference. I love that movie.
@Mark Greig: . . . Or just look inconspicuously at the coin, and if it's not what you want slap it on your wrist.
@Gonzie: Do you smell something burning? AAAAAAAAAUGH!
@zany: Hmm—I think I do mean vim. Good point.
@wad: Haha, nice—I just scanned the votes and promoted the ones I agreed with.
VOTE: vi
@DK: Sorry, you're not allowed to say "the original" and refer to a text editor without meaning vim, vi or ed.