
@Pashdut: The reason you can't use "arrows"—with which I believe you are referring to the less-than and greater-than signs—is because they are used for HTML. For example, if you want to italicize a comment, you use <i> to show where italicizing should start and </i> to show where italicizing should end. If you were

@crisss1205: You're correct. Right-clicking is for weaklings who don't know their keyboard shortcuts.

@Priper: Right-clicking is for fools.

@blyan-reloaded: Hey, the dude who's starred on Giz. Nice to meet you. *thunder booms*

@fuzzybob: As useful as ZIPs are, there isn't really a point as far as plain text and simple HTML go. The occasional high-res PNG, maybe, but quite often, ZIP wastes more time than the space it's saving is worth.

@Habs: People have to earn their hearts from me. And I mean earn them.

@Anonymoose: Unfortunately, due to the awesomeness of this comment, you are hereby required to accept this heart. It will watch all of your other organs that are up to no good.

He should've posted their credit card numbers in the message. That might've garnered attention.

@R4V3N: Which is why I try to stay off Facebook. That, and everyone who I've ever talked two ever friending me then complaining when I say no.

@DGTLHRT: Glad I could help! =)

@TechGuy: I'd wag a finger, but I tried this and got five people to sign up, which I really, really needed, so I'll promote this.

Another great Dropbox tip is using it as website storage. You just upload a .htm (or .html, .xhtml, .xhtm, .xml or whatever extension you feel like using) file and it should display fine.

Have fun putting those cameras in 3D porn theaters.

n Svt Rss, mv thtrs wtch y!

@activex1011: Feel free to look it up on What the Font, but I think it's Helvetica Neue. (Not that big of a font nerd, heh.)

@Slinkytech: My two biggest issues with the original movie were that they didn't specify at all how much time he spent in the digital world (though I would assume less than a second because of digital data transfer speeds) except for the humans' movement and how there was such a sound difference between the dialogue

Huh. I much prefer the Froyo.

So . . . wait. You remember the stinging and sober words exactly, and they are quoted, even though they are incorrect?