
Yeah, right. God uses a command line.

It's missing a Heavy Rain button.

Wouldn't it be easier to set up voting as a web form accessible by anyone once? I know that it's difficult to keep someone from voting twice, but it's not like the margin of error can screw things up much more.

You know we're all expecting this movie now, right?

Is it even possible that a 1080p camera that crappy could be bought on purpose?

"Ericson" at the beginning of the article should be "Ericsson".

It is completely unacceptable to be making fun of people because they are gay, or making "gay jokes"—as many commenters appear to be doing here. This is an article about less bullying, not more. If you really are homophobic or were raised to hate homosexuality, see a therapist. Hating a demographic because they are

@Rexter: I like this comment, but I'm guessing it could prove pretty controversial.

This tutorial looks cool, but I'm more likely to go to Google Images and search "bokeh", since it's easier and I don't own Photoshop.

The fans still make less noise than my MacBook's.

The front-page image doesn't show that correctly.

That looks pretty cool, actually.

@LeftClicker: Never mind, image uploading isn't working.

@MePerson: You missed my point. I'd rather have simple text at the top of the screen, using few vertical pixels, than huge glossy icons. Which of these examples tells you more about the content?

Mission Control looks pretty good, but you know what would be better than modal computing? Tabbed computing. All of your applications are available at the top of the screen, there is one menu bar and a dock. Anybody agree that this would a) be awesome and b) maximize screen real estate?

@lnterestlng: Answer: no. I hope this ends up like the Apple TV, because it sounds like it would suck.

With all due respect, this article has the most grammatical errors I have ever seen on Gizmodo. Please see here for my angry rant and long, long list of corrections about this.

@ScaryMerry: iPhone technology —> back to the Mac

Either use Folding@home overnight or set the BIOS to turn the computer off after you leave.