
@Ben92: Yeah, I know that shirt. I might buy that for some event that requires you wear a name tag like that.

@Disabled_Vette: No offense intended, but did you misread? I'm talking the X, not the regular—and it is far from pocketable for me.

Droid X, pocketable? I miss something?

Welcome to the gun show—week. Definitely week.

@Anonymoose: I'd agree with you (Mario Kart and Final Fantasy), but then again you did say Madden and Fable. But I guess it's all relative *cough*xbox360ownersaresuckers*cough* (just kidding, Xbox 360 owners aren't suckers. But when a console is wedded to a gamer, it shouldn't give it the red ring of death. OH! Zing!

Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

Make love, not carbon emissions! (Just pulled that out of nowhere, don't know if that actually is that bad for the environment).

@leftlane: Thanks, that does help! My garage is used as storage, but since my bedroom/office mysteriously does not receive WiFi or 3G, I may try to use a downstairs office instead.

@Squalor: Wah wah wah agism! (Sorry, thought someone should say it o_*)

@leftlane: Congratulations on your job; and if you don't mind my questions:

@the dog: Thank you—I thought it was unlikely, but proof is nice for when I'm awake at 4 am wondering about the mysteries of the world.

Please, guide!

Google Street View!

Assbad picture.

@achalddave: Yes, except real. I kind of doubt a blinking eye is fast enough.

@derilium: *cough*trysearchingfortheme*cough*orbackground*cough*