Only way he gets to be a bigger asshole is if he insisted on his name being pronounced with an East Coast/Boston accent - "It's OH-DERE! OH-DERRRE!"
Only way he gets to be a bigger asshole is if he insisted on his name being pronounced with an East Coast/Boston accent - "It's OH-DERE! OH-DERRRE!"
Who will put insufferable PewDieDIEDIEDIE in his place?
Precedent states he should receive at least a one-game suspension for this.
We have playoff hockey.
Doesn't someone die in the comics?
Lazy writing? Explain?
He was adamantly against same sex marriage, and was extremely uncomfortable around gay people. Look it up.
Prince was also a homophobe, so there's that.
These people just need a good steak.
In the last 10 years, having bought and sold three properties - I figured out that I made more money in appreciated value in the property than I would have paid in rent over those 10 years total.
I assume Jezebel will post something about him being homophobic tomorrow right?
Just a quick note - Bellemare's hit wasn't that dirty - you can see he avoids a full hit (puts his hands up to the glass to avoid full contact) when he sees the player going down. The intent to injure is absent in this hit.
... except he actually addressed the initial question after his explanation of quantum computing...
You know what? I take my damned time "getting dressed" after being forced to get partially naked for "security".
I would assume this increase will allow them to increase the size of their current library, right?
... except he stutter-stepped and it should have been called off.
It's an 8th tier product. The "talent" was seriously lacking this year even.
This game (and tournament) was dull and uninspiring. Women's hockey is a bit of a joke, really. The junior men's teams are so much better than these women.
The screen will need replacement yearly. Book it.
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