
@caldweab: Actually I can choose rather or not I have bloat on my phone with the Nexus S hitting the mainstream market and the G2 being largely untouched. I can put my money into a machine and tell everyone that yes I do care and I want a pure android experience. If I do want to get a phone on a carrier that isn't

@OCEntertainment: That has got to be one of the best things I have ever read on this website.

@abates25: Well I am responding to your comment in Opera. I use it as my primary browser.

Just a thought, if the iPhone was coming to Verizon in January, wouldn't Apple already have CDMA Engineers as the design of the phone should be close to done at this point in time. If anything this seems to indicate the Verizon iPhone is further away then we think.

@TheCrudMan: Well it does come with at least an i3 and an HD screen. It is also as thin as a computer of its kind needs to be. By any comparison you are implying. sounds like a decent price to me.

Wow, he manages to turn what would usually qualify as Youtube poop and make it bearable, in fact almost enjoyable. Very good job on his part.

Thats amazing, after they force HTML5 down everyone's throat 5 years too early, they are not willing to consider USB 3.0 which probably will be standard in 5 years.

@stealthify: That doesn't make the fact that they do it a good thing.

This sounds perfectly alright to me. If you are not a heavy user you can drop down to the 150 MB plan and if you think you'll use more then that you can go unlimited. I do think AT&T might seem a little more competitive with their 200MB but hey, they still do not have unlimited. I think this is the best of both

@AreWeThereYeti: There is only one problem with your cycle, btw Verizon's network begins failing because of the overuse of iPhone users (assuming there is still unlimited plans and ignoring the fact that Android users use more data then iPhone users), Verizon will be well on their way to switching to LTE and thus GSM