
She's so magnetic on camera. It's almost a little ludicrous. I cannot take my eyes off her.

Wow. I did not even recognize her!

I know I'm in the minority but usually I'm totally with Morgan. I got why he didn't want to fight. Why the idea of getting bloody killing humans were for him a door that wouldn't close. And I did become a little frustrated when it became very obvious to all but Carol, Ezekiel and of course Morgan that they had to

I get that but I really think Trump is throwing out a tune and watching everyone from the left to the right play their instruments. No way a man that had done as much as he has (admittedly with lots of grudge) has that fragile an ego. It's a part he's playing because he knows that those that hate him get off on trying

Internet focusing on this nonsense meanwhile bills are being passed that are uprooting our country. But by all means, HOW SMALL WAS IT?!!

I hear you. My friend had ALS. Eventually her organs stopped functioning. It was a very gradual process but no one applied that term to her. It just seems strange to me.

It's hard to understand how the colloquialism "died of natural causes" can be applied to a 53 year old.

I got that feeling too…but theyd better not do it!

True about the last part…don't think it's true about the first part tho. These bands and SXSW thrive on internet folks and internet folks love to jump on the outrage of other internet folks, so…

Ok I agree that people love to get riled up over nothing, but

Seriously! I still don't get it.

Either him or Whittaker…or Close…dammit!

Thanks! I'm going to look that up. My posts have been missing at times.

I'm sorry are we talking about accomplishments now? Because I thought the subject was the media. Boy you people love deflecting the conversation.

Trump being Trump IS wanting to be a dictator. He is not a man that champions outside feedback.

I dunno. Somehow I think this win feels much more awesome because it was 100% unexpected.

It's because Beatty provided the explanation…while Faye was jumping in her car.

First they close the envelope first.

You win.

If I was La La Land I'd be a little distressed at how excited the audience seemed to get when they found out Moonlight won instead.