“The Nissan Rogue Sport is like a Rogue but smaller, closer to the original Rogue, because the newer Rogue got bigger.”
“The Nissan Rogue Sport is like a Rogue but smaller, closer to the original Rogue, because the newer Rogue got bigger.”
a minor catastrophic failure, if you wil
The car is incredibly safe as well. My ex wife had one brand new in 2010 and got t-boned by a garbage truck on the driver’s side. Only thing that happened to her was her glasses were slightly bent.
Well at least you know it’s never been boned in.
It’s a shame these guys seem to be on the bubble: I’m betting Elon Musk and everybody at Tesla really want them to succeed.
It’s no worse than a schoolbus
Enough to get them to stop building the Previa they’re currently selling.
Wow block is sure to crash out of every race.
*Jalopnik poster sees a GT-R go by*
Audi A3 club sport concept?
Lede buried for sure.
Who needs a stinkin’ brake light?
You don’t wash an Oldsmobile Aerotech, the body is designed in such a way that any water that falls on the car is routed to the engine via the midship funnel areas on either side of the canopy.
I love my ‘89
I could be wrong but i think it is due to longer front controlarms to move the wheels out to allow extra lock without hitting any suspension or bodyparts. Ive seen similar setups on other drift machines but i am by no means sure that is why.
Doggo quite comfortable wearing seatbelt.
I N F O R M A T I O N !
Paying dividends already...
Years later, the tech and programs flowed the other way: VW exited the “Swatch Car” program in the early 90's. Too similar in size and market to the Polo and upcoming Lupo, Mercedes picked up the program, and it became the Smart Car.
Didn’t look hard enough.