Guy Incognito

I read this book because my wife told me I would like it. Clearly I married a stranger. I thought it was a mess. And it was hard to figure out who it was supposed to be for. A young adult novel filled (to an insufferable degree) with pop culture references only people in their 40s would relate to. Seems the movie is

Hardcore, bro.

Pretty sure Angela Merkel is the leader of the free world these days.

It does make me sort of happy to believe I played at least a small role in it.

Dude's a straight up creeper. But she texts during movies. There are no good guys here.

I am the narrator's lazy vocal fry.

Gwen's take reads like "I was hipster before hipster was cool" to me. I remember all the kids who were ready to jump ship on The Cure with Kiss me 3. "Too happy." "Too radio friendly." "Too poppy." Ugh. Because the cure never made up-tempo, happy songs before. Sean is right. Lovecats, In Between Days, The Caterpillar,

Yeah but my microwave only recently started spying on me.

Slipknot is metal for Juggalos.

No, that's how you win an election. How you qualify to be president is be 35 years old and have been born in America. Of course that's entirely irrelevant as to whether you possess the required skills and temperament.

Wicked burn.

By that idiotic reasoning, you could also argue that the virtuoso on the violin isn't an artist because Mozart wrote the concerto. Y'all need to grow some thicker skin. You and your Dear Leader.