
As a polyamorous person, this is some bullshit. Humans aren’t built for monogamy or non-monogamy, just like women aren’t hardwired for empathy and men for conquest, they are just human, with infinite variety and desires. Some people find monogamy works for them, some don’t. If you’re one of those that don’t you should

Everything will continue to exist after this week. We’ll just be under new ownership. I think Senior Week has confused some folks but we are not going anywhere.

The production budget (plus marketing budget) was just so huge that it would have had to have been one of the top-grossing films of the year, worldwide, for that to happen. It did perfectly respectably (outside of the context of it costing $150m+ to make), but as soon as China made the decision not to allow its

i thought the jokes were fine (mostly improv-d) but feig has pacing issues in all of his movies. more of a director issue than anything i think

I’m actually pretty bummed about this. And confused! I went twice, once without my kids and then with them when I affirmed that they could handle it at their age and both times we were packed into the theatre like freaking sardines because they were sold out shows. Both instances were a few weeks after it was

But what will fedora wearing manbabies have to complain about now?

I need at least two drinks to even think about GOING to a party.

Cucumbers are DELICIOUS and I will eat fresh cucumber slices all damn DAY

He was married to a black woman, so unless he was living out some weird slaver fantasy, he’s not a conventional racist. I’d agree that he doesn’t “get” institutional racism, but he’s...well...complicated. I just can’t wrap my head around this guy. Sometimes he seems racist, sometimes not. I think he’s probably decent

What a fucking idiot. You chose this life, just walk past the cameras, smile and get in the fucking car like a normal human. Some celebrities are just asses.

Here is Taylor making her way to her SUV from another angle.

Let’s not compare Taylor to a rotten orange

Great clickbait, Eve.

i didn’t think she was too much at all! i don’t even have a kid but i can empathize. i’d do anything i possibly could. i wouldn’t care if i looked crazy if i knew i was right. although, it would be fucking frustrating.

This honestly sounds like a lot of the arguments I heard when they were first discussing at-home HIV tests. People were saying that if you did them at home, you wouldn’t have immediate access to a doctor who could tell you your options, and you might either kill yourself, or just pretend it didn’t happen and go on in

I’m wearing mine right now! I’ve been singing their praises so loudly that now my husband wants a pair, but he has terrifying hobbit feet so I’ve dialed back my enthusiasm while in his presence.

Pro-Tip: cut out all the drama, and have her pick it out. Mrs. Daisuke picked out hers at a vintage jewelry store, and couldn't be more happier with it.

For the first time in history, white men have to occasionally, just a tiny bit, think before they speak and be questioned about their words and beliefs. This is the “political correctness” everyone is whining about. How dare people that they’ve always been able to oppress, insult, laugh at, or dismiss demand respect

“Political correctness” has existed as long as humans have. There have always been people you didn’t dare disrespect. The only difference now is, more people are demanding their rightful respect. Boo hoo.

These racers are not here against their will, nor are you forced to watch the race against yours. All participants, bother racers and spectators, are volunteers. The value of one’s life is what one assigns to himself. We all value life differently, and none of us has the right (or should have) to tell another how to