Of COURSE having more sex won’t help the relationship.
Having a baby is how you save your marriage.
Of COURSE having more sex won’t help the relationship.
Having a baby is how you save your marriage.
still not enough stars
As a married man in his 30’s, I find I get the most excited about new fun couples that my wife and I have lots in common with, and seem genuinely fun to hang out with.
I mean I get that getting married isn’t just about the wedding day it’s about the marriage but like. I thought it was sweet when people told me I’d make a beautiful bride, I don’t see what’s wrong with saying that. And I totally did make a beautiful bride. So there.
I was spanked and I’m fine, though spanking did teach me how to properly hide information from my parents that might eventually result in my getting spanked. It’s just an objectively bad parenting strategy.
Oh great. Can’t wait for the prospankers to pop in. “I was spanked and I’m ok.”
With her finger?! Like some zoophilic lesbian? Ew! Ew! Ewww!!!! Clearly, you don’t understand this woman has principles.
Equally horrified that guests at a CHRISTENING were poking at the “vagina” on the cake meant for public consumption at .... A CHRISTENING.
Yeah, it’s nice to read a story about how pregnant women are sexy that wasn’t totally sleazy.
I just made a similar comment, but I got Kinja-ed. I’m so tired of the notion that calling out rape, violence, and shitty behavior is anti-male. It’s anti-asshole. We’re trying to have a society here.
This is just the latest and greatest example of “You calling me out for being a shithead makes you a shithead.” The Cosby story the other day was the same. http://jezebel.com/bill-cosbys-la… What is with this trend in today’s world? I feel like this is a new thing.
You feeling safe does not foreclose upon the idea that their is a serial killer targeting these women. I'm glad you don't have an issue with drugs but these women being addicts doesn't make them any less human and deserve to be treated as such unlike how you choose to devalue their worth all in defense of your town…
I’m from Chillicothe; I knew Tiffany and Charlotte from high school. People have their opinions of the town—I even agree with a lot of them. It breaks my heart, though, to hear the constant narrative of “Yeah, it’s such a tragedy, but they were drug-using prostitutes. The town’s riddled with poverty, what do you…
No one should tell you when to have kids, but it is helpful to see information on what it’s really like so that, if you are in the position to do so, you can fully weigh the pros and cons. I feel like right now people really trump up having kids when you’re older, which makes rational sense for financial and stability…
I had mine in my mid-early 30’s. It’s hard no matter what. If you want a kid - have it. If you don’t want a kid don’t. I can’t imagine one age being better than another age to have a child. It’s just a hard job. So have a kid when you want. Or don’t.
Kate - thanks so much for this! It’s definitely appreciated. Hypocrisy isn’t cute on anyone, not even T Swift.
I’d put a caveat on that—talk therapy with no defined goal and end date is a scam. A good therapist will help you define goals, develop a timeline for meeting them, and frankly will push you out of the nest if things linger to the point where it’s clear they’re not helping.
Yes, but how do you know if someone is straight or not? Plenty of my friends don’t know I’m queer because it’s either never come up or I’ve felt it’s none of their business. I guess I’m more just thinking of the amount of women who may not feel comfortable coming out...possibly ever, and this is their safe way to…