So is getting married, and wearing an expensive dress, and wearing makeup, and etc. etc. etc. to infinity.
So is getting married, and wearing an expensive dress, and wearing makeup, and etc. etc. etc. to infinity.
Ordinarily I'd just dismiss this, but this is HYSTERICAL to me that you're following me around after the post about the nutbar animal liberationist just to make angry comments like this. You do realize your clicks contribute to my continued employment, right? Thank you for them!
I will argue to the death that Jimmy John's is worse than Subway.
"Marc Jacobs is controlling me. Help me."
olden times hotties are the saddest hotties because they're dead :(
Judging from your poor anger management skills, you obviously consume a lot of refined white sugar. You should consider replacing it with stevia or other natural sweeteners. Anger is your body's way of saying 'Put down those Skittles!'
I seriously fail to see how it's fucking gross. I'm willing to bet that most people's urine is cleaner than the water coming out of their taps, and the water and urine all end up in the sewer system for treatment. It's not like urine just sits on your skin or shower surface and stays put. It gets rinsed away…
If you go through the comments on any article about the lack of female representation in gaming, the #1 response from the sexists is always "If women have a problem with it, they should make their own games."
I'm guessing you are unaware of what the actual words: pseudo, data, and surveys mean.
This until the day I die. The claim that these poor, sad, straight white men are oppressed would be laughable if it wasn't so disgusting.
Back up. Don't you dare say "gamers are under siege" as if you speak for all of us. Most of us are grown-up enough not to be threatened by women. But GamerGate represents a vocal minority who respond by saying horrible, misogynistic crap. And frankly, when that is what you are about (and that IS what GamerGate is all…
This just makes me so indescribably sad, horrified, and scared. Why are they all so scared of diversity? Why do they care so much about random women game developers? Why do they feel the need to spend their time sending awful, disgusting, legitimately terrifying threats to people they don't even know? The…
Why shouldn't they? The medium of video games can not only influence society but also reflects it. Going after sexism in video games, or the industry, is no different than confronting it anywhere else.
You sure are devoting a lot of energy to minimizing rape and death threats. I wonder why.
Nice to know you're the kind of guy who thinks death and rape and bomb threats are just "being rude".
That's really not what this is about. It's about how they use rape and death threats, and releasing personal information like home addresses so some crazy could carry out the threat. It's their response to the perceived "threat" of diversity with intimidation and violence.
"This anonymous (and typical) member of #Gamergate uses descriptors such as "ugly, acne-ridden" and "basement dwelling" to characterize how the rest of the world views other #Gamergate members. By deprecating the entire community under the guise of using "the enemy's words," they unite the entire group, and recruit…
Ugh. I am so over the Nerd Persecution Complex. Gaming was never your secret clubhouse. Some of us have been here since the beginning, but were never accepted into the community because we weren't male or socially inept. Grow up. Find something else to define yourself by other than your electronic entertainment of…
Just shut up. It is SO tiring to hear this defense of GamerGate. GamerGate is not some heroic defense of a lifestyle and valiant charge against ethical issues in reporting. It's a bunch of boys scared by women with a voice. And they respond to being scared by spewing out some of the most vile misogynistic crap I have…
what exactly is the "feminist agenda"? To let women participate in the development process without being threatened with rape?