
I had to scroll down very far to finally find a person who knows how terrible Frank is. Also, his storylines are stupid and add nothing to the overall show and I just skip through them.

God, I recently rewatched Gilmore Girls (when I first saw it, Rory and I were the same age) and Rory is such a little shit, I wanted to smack her.

Nah, Rauchen as the plural of Rauch doesn't work. It's Rauchs, no other way. Rauchens could be a plural form in some dialect, possibly Rhine-area, but still. Rauchen does not work.

Haven't seen this, but German native here re: the possible pun with the "Rauchen verboten"-sign: highly doubt that's a pun. It would work, but the signs are too common and normal to have played a part in the character's naming. Naming her Rauch probably has some other significance, it usually does. The phrase "Smoke

I'll follow Joss Whedon anywhere. For all I care he can start a Mariachi-Core-band with Jonathan Davis, I'll soak that shit up and dissect it and probably love it instantly.