Yeet Simulator

So are we really celebrating someone being sucker punched just for having different views of the world we dont agree with?

Amazing how so many folks do not understand the sick irony in this event. Those celebrating the violence are the Nazis, dehumanizing their enemies to the point they do not deserve safety to even speak. Sactioned murder comes next. Then genocide. Absolutely sickening.

This guy sucks but anyone who condones suckerpunching is a cocksucker too.

I'm not voting for Trump. Having said that, I think it's pretty stupid to attack someone like Jimmy Fallon because he wasn't rude or insulting to Trump. Those are the author's priorities, but because she considers them-self-evidently right, she feels that everyone out there except those reprehensible "deplorables"

Trump is a clown but boy is it fun watching liberals freak out as Hillary implodes. President Trump is going to be great.

please don’t be such a twat.

Whatever you thought about that ending (more on that in a minute), one thing is for certain: The Walking Dead knows how to deliver an intense episode without anyone dying or fighting.

Actually, I’m kind of stunned that Nintendo took THIS long to fire her. Kotaku conveniently left out that Allison Rapp, who worked on Nintendo’s MARKETING team, had very radical ideas regarding underage sex and child molesters and child porn. No, I’m not talking about her essay mentioned on this article, but multiple

Yup, suffocating societal expectations made her show her tits on a streaming service. Held a gun to her and everything! I saw it with my own two eyes! No, wait...that’s not what happened at all. Societal expectations didn’t make her do anything, rather she preyed on a very basic, biological premise. She’s not a

I believe that you believe that. But if you don’t understand the importance of fundamentals, then you really don’t know what you’re taking about. And the fact that you can’t pick up all the really basic and blatant mistakes Daigo was making tells me you can’t read a match.

seriously? GEt the F out....