Yeet Simulator

negan didnt assert dominance against rick’s group by picking a certain person. he picked someone to kill at random which made him all the more threatening.

morgan is way cooler in the show imo. someone so close to insanity that they can’t kill anyone without losing their mind hasn’t been present anywhere in the series. i’m actually having a hard time trying to figure out what morgan did in the comics besides whining. he didn’t have much of an impact

if what form_d_k said about the weather is true then it was not a freak accident and the man put his own life and his daughters life in danger by driving in that weather.

i’m pretty sure that i’ve made it clear that i know that not all people who consider themselves furries are the fucked up ones. but that doesn’t change the fact that the reputation of furries has been tarnished since like the 90s at least. im pretty sure that if you ask someone if they know what a furry is, most

not surprising that you don’t actually have anything of worth to say.

one of what? a person sensible enough to see modern western femenism for what it is, which is a intellectually dishonest hate movement? yeah i’m one of those.

playing video games doesn’t mean that you have to sit on your ass all day everyday. many professional players are in healthy shape. even professional wrestlers like xavier woods and kenny omega are highly invested into gaming.

if you are a nerd take some self defense courses. most bullies only fuck with complacent people. and there is a difference between being perceived as a nerd and calling oneself a nerd. if some gangly or tubby kid was walking the hallways calling himself a nerd he’d just be painting a target on his back. and if he is

whether or not they are a minority is beside the point. the reputation surrounding the term furry has been sullied for a long time. so much so that anyone who refers to themselves as a furry is exposing themselves to negative connotations. you dont have to call yourself a furry to be a fan of anthros.

i don’t associate myself with any of that shit. all of those photos consist of weird shit. but furries are more weird as a collective. cosplay is broad term that encompasses a multitude of fandoms. furries are a specific fandom that is obsessed with animals. a large portion of which, or at the a very least vocal

if you are into watching girls dress up as toddlers or elementary schoolers then you are probably repressing some pretty alarming urges.

i dont have a problem with cartoon characters. i have problem with this sort of shit. and this isn’t even that weird compared to other furry shit, which says alot.

and this was taken at a furry convention

you totally ripped my words out of context even within its own sentence. finish the sentence and the following sentences. i dont see them playing with children in those photos nor do i think that they try to identify as the characters that they cosplay. im pretty sure that the guy dressed as master chief doesn’t think

if you don’t want to fuck cartoon animals, good on you. but there are plenty of motherfuckers that still do in the furry community. so much so that anyone who doesn’t want to come off as a degenerate shouldn’t associated themselves with the group. its the same shit that happened to bronies and feminism. it starts off

dont even act like furries dont yiff to cartoon animals.

i’ve had so much sex with my nonexistent body pillow.

also i dont know what kind of porn you watch but i haven’t seen any normal porn where people are wearing baby clothes.

as i mentioned earilier, they are harmless for the most part(hopefully). but if they want to air their dirt laundry out to the public then they shouldn’t be surprised when they get ridiculed for it.

if a person got off to dressing like a toddler or kindergartner, images of small children and then fucked people that are also dressed like small children then it would be safe to call them borderline pedophiles. replace the children analogy with animals and you get furries aka borderline zoophiles.