Nice!!!. My man "Kim Jong-il" still on the list.... Props to Kimmy.. :D
Nice!!!. My man "Kim Jong-il" still on the list.... Props to Kimmy.. :D
What 4G in NY city??? I am on 17 and 5th ave.. turn on my Evo 4G, waited.... waited.. waited... NA-DA!!!.
Why bother having Apple products when your husband owns M$???? Everything is FREE!!!! she is an idiot!!!!.
That would be one HOT Crotch Rocket Helmet.. It would probably scare the drivers to get out of the way..
Another useless product.. Fail!!!.
YAY!!!!. wishing everyone new yorker that takes the CRAPPY MTA subway get home before midnight tonight.. HAHA
beaver fever!!!!!. Can't wait for his ass to be on the trailer trash newspaper..
Always run SANDBOX when you download crap from torrent sites. It's a must these days.. Sandboxy can save you a shit load of headache..
Israelis: When it comes to protecting their own.. Money or technology is no object..
So, that means all that time I work at the airport and breathing the Jet A fuel exhaust fumes will shorten my life?? Oh boy... (shrugged)...
where are the machine guns? Side winder heat seeking missiles? Oil slick, smoke screen gadgets??
so you saying: we shouldn't by this POS product, eh?
Why didn't Mr.Job design his house that looks like a APPLE???? Since he such a Neo-Nazi APPLE guy.... n/m...
Give me 45K and I will put it down on a house!!!!!. Screw that over price bike.. Give it couple of years and you will see the resin on the carbon fiber will start to get brittle...
Do I have to drag my portable Honda generator??? what a waste of RAM.. put it on a desktop..
Another Google wanna be.. they just want to push their spam Ad's onto your devices..
You want to talk about ear drum bleeding?? Back when the Concord was still in service, we would stand by service road @ 13R-31L runway and watch that sucker take off. Talk about deathing noise and vibration through your body. Its something you have to experience once in your life time.. For me? I lost count how many…
With some many photoshopped images going on. how would one believe it's the real thing or 'shopped images??
Whats the salary for this position??? Better be in the 6 figures... And all free buffet of Apple products....