
Yeah I don’t see how announcing “we’re going to pay him a ton of money for 13 more episodes” is damage control. Kind of hard to see how another season goes forward without backlash. Seems likely more victims will end up speaking out against him....

I haven’t seen this season yet, but it must be said that he looks 35.

Great news... it’s so much more than the “female Louie” it’s sometimes written up as.

It honestly might be — the Boom and whatever else from UE sound really good for people who care about that. In my experience the Echo does not (still worthwhile for a lot of people for other reasons, of course.)

I suspect we agree on this subject & its severity and have just seen different coverage. My issue is with AVC misreporting the fact that there are any allegations at all. See where Jen denies them here (from September). I don’t see how she could be more clear. https://www.villagevoice.com/2017/09/18/jen-kirkman-on-elec

I mean, it totally could be the type of thing that’s buried, but it’s weird for AV Club to type up articles that hint allegations are out there when... they’re just not, at this point.

I would legitimately never question a woman on something like this; I’ve been harrassed before, not that people who have been harrassed can’t still be shitty, etc.

The story could definitely change in a minute! It is not true that Jen Kirkman came close to alleging anything, though, which is a big problem with the way AVC and Gawker have reported it.

40th time: there are no “sexual misconduct allegations that have been made against CK himself.” The occasional Gawker-y element slipping in around here is a bummer.

On the money. This is also a huge reason people are still saying Hillary had “no message” or ignored X group — she was out there giving speeches about how her platform would help them, but Trump’s shitty antics dominated coverage, so your average person heard nothing substantive she said.

But Kinja commenters have told me that since Hillary didn’t run a 100% perfect campaign (which doesn’t exist but that’s another story), we should ignore Russia’s meddling!

What a terrible take. Obamacare isn’t a good as nationalized health insurance, but Trump’s moves will literally kill people. There is NO comparison.

Pretty clearly talking about the e-reader line, not tablets.

The article could not make it more clear that it’s about the LTE version.

That’s a really cynical read on what Arndt/Abrams/Kasdan said about incorporating Luke into the script. I get why what they chose to do isn’t for everyone.

For sure. Force Awakens doesn’t get enough credit for bringing back Luke/Leia/Han as olds who are apart & broken and not just, like, ruling the galaxy as some fans seemed to have wanted. As Luke basically says here, things don’t go as planned...

This honestly looks exquisite. I get the complaints about TFA, but it feels like there’s so much to work with character-wise already. The shots of Carrie are, of course, stunning.

Literally, it says “Android phones have done this for years.”

I dunno, you’re either going to get some sort of lag on three-year-old phones, or Apple can’t make an OS that takes advantage of current hardware... not really a way around it.

It’s honestly fine and similar to other version changes — this is a case of the unhappy users mostly being the ones who care enough to comment.