
 I call people like that “ladder-pullers”. They make space for themselves by grabbing out to any hand or leg up offered to them, and then they forget about the help they got and figure everybody who looks like them or is from the same place they’re from and is similarly disadvantaged the way they used to be who comes

It’s funny how Ajit Pai is a person of color, he’s Indian, and his parents are immigrants, and yet he’s sided with the exact kind of ultra-conservative groups and policies that actively work against people like him, as well as ordinary working-class people in general. He’s a traitor, not just to Barack Obama, but to


“I’m pregnant!”

Yup. The only crime here was filming in portrait.

Now that’s what I call an ally, not that I’m calling for violence or anything remotely close to it.

She’s probably dating a Hotep.

Honestly this is what it’s going to take. While I don’t condone violence, it’s going to take white people calling out other white people on this shit. Also this is a classic case of don’t let your million dollar mouth write a check you 2 cent ass can’t cash.