
i believe the article above says it was an unfinished manuscript from 1978. So not only did he choose not to publish it, it was from before he had written many/most of his other books and built up expertise. Publishing stuff like this is an interesting bit of authorial history (when did he start doing thing X in his

As one ever stuck on the boarder between GenX and the Millennials, this is interesting. As a college student in '01, I was exactly the target for AS the day it aired. Moreover, I'm pretty sure my friends and I watched it the night it premiered or the week after as I remember trying to explain why I was excited to have

A partial repost of something I wrote (too late) in the article about the then-pending finale that was completely lost by the finale itself… The she, below, refers to my wife.

Whoa. I was at that Pointfest and I have thought for years that I never saw Beck (until i saw him in 2006 in London). How do I remember the Verve Pipe's set and not Beck? What is WRONG WITH ME?

To be fair to both my wife and yours…

I don't think I minded the fact he wasn't dating people who weren't "The Mother,"

Alas, I have to agree… The very fact that we ARE Gil Gunderson is why we're in the SEC in the first place…

<sigh>… and this kind of thing is among the many reasons I remain confused and conflicted about Mizzou joining the SEC.

Alas, the "Internet Story" is also a year old.

As soon as I opened this article, I CTRL+F'd (wait, that doesn't sound right) to see if anyone mentioned The Urge.