It makes me chuckle that 12 members is considered “absolutely massive” when most of the *48 groups have to pick out just the top 16 members (or more!) to perform on one of their singles.
The night was sultry.
All the mainstream attention you shined on the subject is just gonna make it worse...
No Pikachu!! Don't blaze up! #cuttingforpika
Isn't he the guy in glasses running down the steps (at ~15sec) and as a cutaway during the"cancelling the apocalypse" speech (~1:40)?
A literal catastrafuck?
"U have to type apparel no caps!"
Surely 1 and 4 only mean that once life has arisen, it's liable to stick around in some form or another?
...But the Principality of Zeon was Side 3, located at L2.
In the original Gundam, it was the pesky L2s you had to worry about.
I'm surprised it's not:
Many of you feel bad for this monkey. That is because you crazy . It has no feelings, and the new one is much better.
It's like the reverse of the Flight of the Conchords song, Angels...