
Ditto Hard Target! The Most Dangerous game in The Big Easy, and Van Damme has to TCB. Plus Witchblade is there! 

I was having a hard time finding the words, but I think I’ve got it. This thing certainly an achievement, masterfully crafted and performed, but, having only been exposed to the soundtrack for 5 years, it’s almost like they took an album I really loved and made a movie of it.

Am I the only one who thinks it'd be cool to have gotten Kevin Costner to do the hosting job? 

Not only have I never played it, I don't even really know what it is. I'm probably missing out, I guess? 

How big of a crow are we talking here? They're really smart at normal size. If their intelligence increases as well, they could probably take over a country. 

I STILL say "Quilk Stop" in my head. 

Look, don’t jerk me around, Kevin. Don’t fucking put shit out there that you might not actually ever do. I’ve wanted this to come back for 20 years, and with the state of everything this year, I'd really like it to be true this time. 

Oh, Cousin Merle, REALLY! 

This is fascinating. Are there any books or websites, or even lectures or podcasts that you can recommend on the subject? 

You intrigued me with the Robert Caro reference, I'd never heard of him, but it sounds like he really does his homework. Also, I'm a sucker for an exhaustively researched, well written biography. Any recommendations on where to start? 

Do you think Lewison will ever finish that definitive trilogy that is their collective biography? 

I was always very charmed by Rygar, crude as it is. 

Coens aren't my favorite, either. Both Raising Arizona and Big Lebowski left me scratching my head as to why everyone loves them. 

The rapid zooms and such got tiresome really fast, and I have fallen asleep every time I tried to watch Shaun of the Dead. Just not my thing 🤷‍♂️. 

I don’t care for Edgar Wright either, so I think I’m going to continue giving this one a pass.

All my friends loved it, but I think I made it 20 minutes before I turned it off. Nobody was actually saying or doing anything other than “video game/pop culture reference!”

I said this very thing to my wife! 

It is fun! The guy sounds enough like Jason Snell that I want to hear him and the Incomparable crew to talk about Evil Dead though. 

“Don't let the cave-in get you down...SOKKA!"