
You are incorrect sir. Read this book on the history and origin of the second amendment. It is fully researched and sourced. Then tell me that we don’t have a right to keep and bear arms.

And somehow you are more interested in disarming your fellow citizens then a tyrannical government that would use a drone strike against us... Man I love the logic.

Australia still has gun crime. Also look at where firearms ownership has been outlawed, has gun crime declined? Certainly.. Has murder? Nope.

Slavery still exists.. Heard of human trafficking? Sex Slaves? They’re here in this country today.

Wrong, gun sales are skyrocketing. Thank you Barack Obama.

There are modern day slaves in America today... If you think there aren’t any, you are naïve.

How many of our rights are violated by the illegal war on drugs? How effective has outlawing drugs been? How many more rights are you willing to give up to the government in order to enforce a ban on guns? At what point are we no longer a free society?

Marijuana, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Heroin, illicit transfer of prescription meds... All illegal, yet readily available. There are 300 million firearms held by 80 million gun owners in this country. You can’t deport 11 million illegal aliens, what makes you think you can collect 300 million guns? Further... Firearms

If a crazy lunatic wants to exact their toll on a person or group of people they will find a way to do it. If it’s not a gun, it will be knives, explosives, automobiles, etc. etc. etc. I feel deeply for the families of Vester Flanagan’s victims, but HE killed them, he made the choice to take them out, he used a gun as

Banning guns does not stop crazy. Sorry you are wrong. The second amendment was put in to the bill of rights for a reason, I am sorry if you don’t get it.