Transformers is just another old franchise (like Power Rangers) where I don't get the massive fan-appeal for anybody over 15, beyond maybe wanting some cheesy dumb nostalgic fun.
Transformers is just another old franchise (like Power Rangers) where I don't get the massive fan-appeal for anybody over 15, beyond maybe wanting some cheesy dumb nostalgic fun.
Personally I did often, I especially find his Trump impression hilarious
I get it, but I'm sick of the lack of self-awareness of the left, and even if it's an ironic joke I find it in poor taste given the current climate
I mean, Obama won through popular vote and he was in power for 8 years, that was the time to try to change the system
Subtitles are your friend
I think it's more that both leads are now too big and busy to continue on Sherlock, plus the show kind of jumped the shark
Never said it was easy, but before the election I've heard absolutely no talk about changing this system, you gotta start somewhere.
Btw, I feel like the fact that you States have so much power really is detrimental to the country as a whole
I guess it was a little stereotypical, but by the way some people here were talking about it you'd think it was Japanese WW2 era anti-Chinese propaganda… Anyways, I'm not going into another anti-PC rant, thanks for the clarification
YesYes, I know, dems have been parroting that for months. but it's not like the incredibly backwards and antiquated Electoral College is something new, maybe you should have done something about that before that?
First 2 season are great, 3rd is slightly worse, and 4 is the worst and very divisive so proceed at your own risk
The Blind Banker was a relatively weak episode, but how was that "racist"? I've seen that comment a few times here, first time I've heard about that
I mean… the reception is pretty mixed, almost everybody agrees that it's the weakest season, but some liked it while others hated it… I'd say if you need something to watch check it out, but keep your expectations low. Personally I liked the 2nd episode but the rest was too over-the-top for me
The sexy teen-vampire certainly reduced the coolness level of Vampires, but there still is hope
I mean, I'm exited for this, but hopefully the creators learned a lesson from Sherlock's later seasons and just tone it down a bit.
Tell me about it, when I was in New York I was just chilling in the street, walking nude on all fours and I got arrested!
Not my favorite meal either, but living in France I ate it several times and a good Tartare really is something, maybe you just didn't do it right?
I mean, the whole point of the article is that precisely this isn't the case in the US, where it's taboo
It's not like it traumatized me or anything, I still like horses and ride them and everything, but it certainly was a lesson
Come on guys, stop horsing around
Yep, I learned to respect/fear horses when as a kid at a farm one of the horses I used to ride instantly killed one of the dogs I used to play with with a quick kick…