Why shouldn't you normalize eating horse meat?
Why shouldn't you normalize eating horse meat?
People outraged about eating horse meat, or any meat outside of their comfort zone, are ridiculous and hypocritical.
What exactly makes that meat more immoral than others, other than your inherited cultural preconceptions?
What a fantastic season, this truly is one of the best shows on TV, and probably the best spin-of ever..?
"Liberals win again…"
What is this, The Matrix? In which world are liberals winning? I know that's just click-bait title, but damn, have some shame/humility
It's a known fact that blond Atlantean hair is lighter…?
I guess it's not cool/dark enough? Maybe not macho enough..? I don't know
That's some good looking art, I might check it out. I don't think I've ever read an Aquaman comic before, though I really like the character… Any suggestions?
Which seems somewhat ironic given that it's only 3 letters…
It just seems a little pointless to (poorly) recap the content of the video. I would honestly be fine if they just said "Discussion space" and only posted the video
True, some of his comedy bits are pretty great. I guess tipping the scale some more towards investigative journalism would be perfect imo, there's no need for the "at least one joke every 30 seconds" quota
It ends here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pl…
It's not even that I dislike his jokes… it's just that his research is better content, much more interesting and original, it's what truly separates this show from the rest
Eh, you can always try, it's not like they're gonna get any dumber from it…
I guess it's just a personal preference on the humor, usually I just don't find John Oliver that funny, and unlike everybody else he actually does some fantastic investigations so I'd love to see that more prominently.
I can laugh out loud with Trevor Noah or Bill Maher, but I certainly won't get this accurate and…
Am I the only one who would rather have John Oliver do a pure investigative show without the dumb obligatory jokes? I guess that wouldn't have the mass-appeal factor…
Agreed about pretty much everything, you're just being a little harsh on HBO there, obviously they had to make sure they wouldn't get into too much legal trouble, but it didn't seem like Oliver was pulling any punches. Besides, he only has a limited amount of time and he has to include several jokes into the program…
and just to be clear, when I said "person like that" I meant coal mining related person who bought into the GOP rhetoric, wasn't trying to insult the job or anything like that
Hey, good for them, but apparently many coal miner environments did believe Trump's lies, so it can't hurt to try to spread some truth
Edgy. Honestly, the show got over-hyped because of the current nostalgia craze, but I have no attachment whatsoever to 80's pop culture and I still enjoyed it.
It's a good little show, even if it's not the amaaaazing thing everybody said it was
I don't really get the Barb fandom, she was in like 10 minutes of the show…
Also she was pretty annoying and stereotypical