
This looks like fun, they all look so red that one has to wonder how many glasses they took, Pearlman in particular looks like a drunk uncle, haha

You're right, my bad, edited it

Nope, the samaritan and the woman's husband are 2 different people, the woman's husband died many years ago while the good samaritan was recently murdered, if that's what you meant

Pretty sure it's the truck driver Mike involuntarily got murdered. He realizes, especially after his discussion with the woman he met, that the family of the deceased has a right to know

Damn, that pill swapping scene was nail-bitingly tense, I loved it, and I am still having a man-crush on Nacho, what a fantastic character/actor.

"the willful ignorance and magical thinking they displayed certainly isn't limited to them"
Of course not, that basically describes a large part of the Trump voters, but certainly not all of them, I'm sure some of them and the other leftists who choose to not go with the only real viable choice could have been swayed

Well sure, I agree with you about the coal miners, but they were just a very small part of his voters, it stand to reason to believe that many others could have been swayed over through some way or another. I'm baffled by the importance of the coal issue and the coal miners during these elections, it's not like they

Maybe fight better, and be more united, and just be a little louder and aggressive even if it means somewhat stooping to their level? Just think about how the election could have turned out differently without the Bernie/Hillary debacle, or if Clinton had actually made the effort to appear and fight aggressively in

Forced cameos btw, Bill Murray and to a lesser extent the others have basically been bullied by the studio to appear

I'm not American so I couldn't have voted… I don't entirely disagree with what you said, but in the end the politicians carry a bigger part of the responsibility, not the least of which is being convincing enough to get people to actually vote for them… Or just make voting mandatory

Which sounds great in theory, but the reality is that you don't win by playing nice, at least not in politics

That actually sounds really exiting… if you replace Melissa McCarthy with somebody else. She's just the worst, and she plays the same stupid role in like every movie

I don't understand the fidget fad either, but there's no reason to hate on it, it will be gone soon enough, and it's not like collecting marbles or pogs was that much better

Akroyd may be crazy, but I've heard his personal Crystal Head Vodka is great, so at least he has that going for him

I liked Spy well enough, but it's not like there was much of a creative vision behind it

It clearly is in big part Paul Feig's fault, though not for the monetary reasons.
"Women have never been funny until today, we are revolutionizing women's role in society, blablabla"
Fuck You you arrogant hack! Should have made a good movie instead of spouting nonsense and trying to trick people into seeing it

Like I said below, I know they have virtually no power right now what with a Republican led congress, but given the gravity of Trump's non-stop scandal presidency, their mild and measured approach is pathetic, that certainly won't force anyone's hand. It's not that hard to cry out "treason" and "impeachment", at some

Oh, she died in this finale? I'm still curious enough about the show to follow it from time to time, but I don't think I'll ever get motivated to jump back in

Of course, it's not like Dems have the ultimate say in this, what with a Republican led congress… but the outrage from democratic politicians has been so mild and measured that it certainly won't force anyone's hand, it's sad and just goes to show why they have been losing so much these last 20 years

How is Fish Mooney still alive in this show? Did her character get good or something, because she was one of the most hated, and her coming back made many people quit