
I'm actually thinking of re-watching it a 3rd time, I honestly think that I enjoyed the show even more on my re-watch because you're just left flabbergasted by how everything falls into place perfectly

Another great though somewhat inconsequential set-up episode. This show is just such a treat to look at, you'll always get some great shots and sequences. I agree however that they overdid it a little with the set-up for the future and BB and the whole fan service in general, Lidya really didn't need to be there.

I mean, I'm more of a pessimist and nihilist but even I think that the worst people deserve another chance, redemption is possible and can be incredibly useful to society: see ex-ISIS or ex-KKK or whatever who turned and are now actively fighting against what corrupted them.

Ok, my bad on the 1st comment which was wrong and badly written, I wanted to make more of a general statement and not condemn this particular case. That being said it's still kind of funny that the FBI is working to prevent a Pirates of the Caribbean leak, probably not their most world-changing work

I didn't disagree with that in my previous comment, I said that granted this doesn't apply here since it's a clear crime (extortion) against a US based company, but it's not always this clear-cut.

There are ethical conflicts insofar that the Internet is global and many countries do not share the US' copyright laws for example, which complicates things… But international Internet oversight isn't feasible either, so…

Yes, I know, I rectified my comment, what I meant was shouldn't there be a separate Cyber-crimes division for more "civilian" cases like this one? It just feels like it blurs ethical lines and wastes resources, having the FBI wasting so much time enforcing copyright for big American companies across the globe doesn't

I guess, but wouldn't it be more suited for like a separate specialized cyber-crime unit or something for these type of scenarios. I mean, if there was an attack on the government (cough election cough) then of course the specialized FBI cyer-division can and should get involved

It's insane that the whole big media industry can just use the FBI as their private copyright police like that all the time, come on!
I mean, on a global or even national scale, what possible threat could a fucking Pirates of the Caribbean movie being leaked be?

Damn he was really great in AoS, Sin City and he did great voicework on JL. I probably also saw him in some other roles that I can't remember now. Another surprise death, he looked perfectly healthy and fit, another great SHIELD guest star gone… RIP

Agreed, his few appearances were just gold, but I wish we'd get more of him. Maybe he'll reappear for the final episodes

That was truly an unforgettable moment of the run: poignant, epic and funny all at the same time

I mean, if you already have it try sticking through with it, at least read it up to the Surtur arc where the comic really gets exiting and personally I couldn't put it down, if you don't like it at that point I guess it just isn't for you. Try to resell or give it to somebody I guess?

We have seen it a few times after Ep1 already, but it was great to have Archer react to it again

I don't have any nostalgia for Simonson's Thor either, I just checked it out recently after a few recommendations and loved it. The characterization and the introduction to this big weird Nordic and cosmic universe felt just so natural and straight-forward, yet always intriguing. It's old-fashioned but I don't mind,

Glad to hear that The Screaming Citadel is off to a good start, it's been one of my most anticipated SW comics, I just love Aphra. Plus, after the rather boring debut arc she had I hope it'll get more exiting now

Agreed, though I think for the quinjet CGI they already have many models so it shouldn't be that expensive. Either way, I do hope that they'll keep at least some of those CG scenes, they have been awesome

As much as I liked Bobby and Hunter, the show was a little overcrowded with them on the team, and I think S4 proved that they are absolutely not necessary so I'm fine with them staying out of the picture. I do want them to at least cameo at some point before the show ends

Just binge it, by binging it even the more hockey first half of S1 is perfectly enjoyable. After the Winter Soldier twist it gets really good and it only gets better. If you jump in the middle of a story you might be lost and character nuances will go over your head since it's a very serialized and fast-paced show

Damn, that all sounds pretty expensive, I don't have TV but I'm pretty sure around these parts (France) you can have the complete package (TV + Internet with all the required modems and cables) for like 30 to 40€